Disclaimer: The content on this webpage appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at https://www.brookdalecc.edu/about/public-records.

I. Title of Regulation

Compliance with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE Act) and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA)

II. Objective of Regulation

To ensure compliance with Board Policy 2.1001- Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, the Campus SaVE Act and the VAWA.  Brookdale Community College commits to full compliance with the VAWA and the obligations on all post-secondary institutions under its SaVE Act. This regulation is intended to implement the requirements of these Acts and the implementing regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Education, 34 C.F.R. §668.46.

The SaVE Act seeks to address the violence women face on college campuses and updates the Jeanne Clery Act (Clery Act). Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. Sexual harassment of women, which includes acts of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and/or stalking, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

III. Authority

All applicable legislation including but not limited to the Clery Act, as amended by the VAWA; the Campus SaVE Act; Title IX of the Higher Education Act; the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act of 1991, N.J.S.A. 2C:25-17 et seq.; State of New Jersey, P.L. 1994, Chapter 160 N.J.S.A. 18A:61E-1 et seq.; United States Department of Education regulations, 34 C.F.R. §668.46; New Jersey Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights; and other applicable State or Federal laws and regulations; and the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.

IV. Regulation Statement

Brookdale Community College is committed to providing an institutional environment where all persons may pursue their studies, careers, duties, and activities in an atmosphere free of threat of unwelcome and unwanted sexual actions. It strongly condemns sexual offenses, will not tolerate sexual offenders, and supports those who have been victimized.

Sexual assaults are serious violations of the College’s student judicial code and College employee policies including Board Policy 2.1001–Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, the Campus SaVE Act, the VAWA, Board Policy 3.9002, Non-Discrimination and Board Policy 6.1002–Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights. They are crimes under state law and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. In addition, these actions are subject to civil suit for damages.

New employees will receive information about sexual misconduct during orientation.

This regulation is intended to implement requirements of the Acts noted above, and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Education, 34 C.F.R. §668.46. Those obligations, as they pertain to new employees and incoming students, require that the College promote awareness and prevention methods of the following offenses:

Sexual Assault

Dating Violence

Domestic Violence


Criminal Offenses Required to Be Disclosed

General categories of crime statistics are disclosed in the College’s

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Report annually and are as follows:

Murder and non-negligent manslaughter

Negligent manslaughter


Aggravated Assault

Motor Vehicle Theft



Sexual Offenses, Forcible (Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy, Sexual Assault w Object, Forcible Fondling)

Sexual Offenses, Non-Forcible (Incest, Statutory Rape)



Liquor Law Arrests

Liquor Law Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action

Drug Law Arrests

Drug Law Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action

Illegal Weapons Possession Arrest

Illegal Weapons Possession Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action

*Statistics not required by law but reported in Brookdale’s annual Clery Report.


1.    “Sexual Assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent. This includes an offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest or statutory rape as used in the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program.

Sexual Assault, as defined by the National Incident-Based Reporting System Edition of the Uniform Crime Reporting System of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, includes:

•   The attempt or act of rape (sexual intercourse without consent or with a child under the age of thirteen, by a stranger, an acquaintance, or an intimate).

•   Forced sodomy (forced oral or anal sex) against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (or because of his/her youth).

•   Forced penetration by a foreign object either animate such as a finger, or inanimate.

2.    “Sexual Offenses-Forcible” means any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

3.    “Sexual Offenses-Non-Forcible” means any unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse (e.g., incest, statutory rape).

4.    “Non-Penetration Sexual Assault” includes the act of touching an unwilling person’s intimate parts such as genitalia, anus, groin, breast, or buttocks, or the clothing covering these parts, or forcing an unwilling person to touch another’s intimate parts.  The above acts constitute sexual assault when they are committed against a person’s will as evidenced by refusal of consent or through the use of force, threat, manipulation, or intimidation, or against a person who, by virtue of mental incapacity or physical helplessness, is unable to give or withhold “consent” (to give assent, acceptance or approval as to the proposal of another). This includes, but is not limited to, incapacity or helplessness caused by alcohol or other drugs.  Intoxication of the assailant shall not diminish the assailant’s responsibility for the sexual assault.

5.    “Hate Crimes” – any of the above – mentioned offenses, and any incidents of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, or destruction/damage/vandalism of property that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. The categories of bias include the victim’s actual or perceived race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin and disability.

6.    “Domestic Violence” includes violent misdemeanor and felony offenses committed by the victim’s

a. current or former spouse or domestic partner

b. current or former cohabitant

c. anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law

d. any person with whom the victim has had a dating relationship any person with whom the victim shares a child in common

7.    “Dating Violence” means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; AND where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: (i) the length of the relationship; (ii) the type of relationship; and (iii) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

8.    “Stalking” means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:

a. fear for her, his, or other’s safety, or

b. suffer substantial emotional distress

A stalker need not know his/ her actions are unwanted. Stalking is often a precursor to violence.  Stalking is a crime designated by degrees.

9.    “Stalking in the Fourth Degree” – A person is guilty of this crime if he/she purposely or knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his/her safety or the safety of a third person or suffer other emotional distress.

10. “Stalking in the Third Degree” – A person is guilty of this crime if he/she commits the crime of stalking in violation of an existing court order prohibiting the behavior. A person is guilty of a crime in the third degree is he/she

a. commits a second or subsequent offense of stalking against the same victim

b. commits the crime of stalking while serving a term of imprisonment or while on parole or probation as the result of conviction for any indictable offense under the laws of New Jersey or any other state or the United States

11. “Course of conduct” means repeatedly maintaining a visual or physical proximity to a person; directly or indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, following, monitoring, observing, surveilling, threatening, or communicating to or about a person, or interfering with a person’s property, repeatedly committing harassment against a person; or repeatedly conveying, or causing to be conveyed, verbal or written threats or threats conveyed by any other    means of communication or threats implied by conduct or combination thereof     directed at or toward a person.  N.J.S.A. 2C:12-10.

12. “Repeatedly” means on two or more occasions.

13. “Emotional Distress” means significant mental suffering or distress.

14. “Cause a Reasonable Person to Fear” – Cause fear which a reasonable victim, similarly situated, would have under the circumstances.

15. “Incest” means non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees where marriage is prohibited by law.

16. “Statutory rape” means non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

17. “Consent”

a. Consent must be clear, verbal, sober, and affirmative.

b. Consent must be obtained for each and every sexual activity to constitute effective consent.

c. Consensual activity requires a mutual decision of both parties without any hint of force, threat, coercion, pressure, fraud, manipulation or fear of injury or loss of safety.

d. Consent cannot be given if the victim is asleep, mentally or physically incapacitated due to alcohol and/or other drugs or due to a temporary or permanent mental or physical condition.

e. Silence, passivity or the lack of active resistance is not consent.

f. Previous sexual activity does not equal current consent.

g. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not equal consent to other forms of sexual activity.

h. Consent can be withdrawn at any point.

18. “Order of Protection” means an official legal document signed by a judge that is filed against a current or former family member or household member or a person of other similar relationship.  The order forces that individual to keep at a distance and is intended to prevent his or her abusive behavior toward a student or employee. Also called a restraining order, it is enforceable in court, and can be drafted to meet specific needs as they apply to situations.

19. “Retaliation” – Intimidating, threatening, coercing, or in any way discriminating against an individual because of the individual’s formal or informal complaint or participation in a College investigation or proceedings related to sexual violence or assault. If the College learns of possible retaliation for filing a complaint of sexual misconduct, including threats, intimidation, coercion or discrimination, it will take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and remedy the action with disciplinary action, if necessary.

Assistance Available to Victims

a. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or raped, get to a safe place.  Call 911, your local police department or the Rape Care Hotline at (888) 264-RAPE (toll free).  Do not eat, drink, shower or change clothing until you have been examined.

b. 180/Turning Lives Around of Monmouth County will help provide shelter, outpatient counseling and advocacy for women. Call (732) 264-4111 or (888) THE WCMC (888-843-9262) 24-hour Crisis Hotline.

c. Brochures on these subjects are available in the Advising and Counseling (CAR) office, the Campus Police Department (Alumni Drive), the Student Life & Activities (SLC) office and the Human Resources Office (BAC).

The College Sexual Assault Response System

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault:

1.    You have the right to privacy: All information you share about the incident must and will be kept confidential.  College officials cannot talk about your experiences without your permission.  College officials will report that an incident occurred to the campus police. Campus police have an obligation under the Clery Act to report to the state and other authorities the date of an incident. No other information will be shared without your permission.

2.    You have the right to make decisions about who can be contacted and if and how any intervention will proceed.  You have the option, or not, to notify and seek assistance from law enforcement and campus authorities. You have the option of seeking assistance from any of the services mentioned in this Regulation.

3.    You have the right to institutional implementation of court-issued No Contact Orders/ Orders of Protection/Restraining Orders.

4.    You have the right to view the College’s annual Clery Report located on the BCC Police Department webpage.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

The following actions should be taken by the victim or a witness to sexual misconduct / violence:

1.    Preserve evidence as may be necessary as proof of criminal activity or to obtain an appropriate order of protection.

2.     Call Rape Care Hotline at (888) 264-RAPE (toll free) or (888) THE WCMC (888-843-9262) 24-hour Crisis Hot Line.

3.     Report the alleged offense as soon as possible to a responsible party such as:

  1. Title IX Officer (for employees: Dean, Human Resources and Organizational Safety) 224-2234
  2. Manager–Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance, 224-2695
  3. Campus Police or Security Guard – 911, 224-2222, or see p. 14 for HEC security guard contact information
  4. Local law enforcement, 911
  5. Campus security authorities that include any College official with significant responsibility for student and campus activities such as, but not limited to, a dean, department chair, a faculty member, staff advisor, or a coach.

Investigating Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

As soon as a complaint and/or form is filed with the Title IX Officer or the Manager-Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance, an impartial and reliable investigation will be performed. Opportunity will be provided for both the complainant and the alleged perpetrator to present witnesses and evidence. Both parties will be provided with the opportunity to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice.

In a protracted case, the College will take interim measures and make reasonable accommodations to protect the complainant.

The evidentiary standard (preponderance of the evidence which means more likely than not that sexual misconduct / violence occurred) will be used in resolving the complaint. In the event of a Crime or for obtaining and/or enforcing a no-contact order or an order of protection/restraining order, individuals are encouraged to contact the Brookdale Police Department. The department has the responsibility to engage local law enforcement to investigate and/or handle preservation of evidence.

An internal investigation will result in written notice sent concurrently to the complainant and the alleged perpetrator of the outcome of the complaint; including if there were substantiated findings and appeal procedures.


While the College encourages the alleged victim to report the incident to local or campus law enforcement to access all of the legal protections available, there is NO requirement to do so.  Filing a report will not necessarily obligate a victim to prosecute the crime.

College employees receiving reports of incidents of sexual misconduct/sexual violence must submit the information to the Title IX Officer or designee (Manager, Diversity, Inclusion, and Compliance). Counselors are required to adhere to N.J.A.C 13:34-8.3 regarding “Confidentiality” and may be exempt from reporting the crime if functioning within the scope of his/her license or certification.  If there is a clear and present danger to the health or safety of the victim and/or others, the counselor has a duty to notify the appropriate college official.

The victim reporting an incident will be advised by the Title IX Officer or designee of the right not to file a formal complaint but will be provided with assistance as needed.  If the victim wishes to pursue a complaint, the substance and outcome are to remain confidential and will only be shared with the alleged perpetrator, complainant, and those directly involved in the investigation. Any violation of the confidentiality of the substance and/or outcome will be subject to disciplinary action under applicable policies, procedures, and/or collective bargaining provisions.

The College is required under federal law (the Clery Act) to report incidents of sexual misconduct / violence but will not identify any victim in the mandated annual security reporting.

Sanctions Against the Violator

Following an investigation, College employees charged with such conduct are subject to prosecution and are subject to disciplinary action under applicable policies, procedures and /or collective bargaining provisions. Sanctions that the College may impose on an employee following a final determination of responsibility include, but are not limited to, counseling, written warning, suspension, final warning and/or termination of employment.

Any visitor, supplier, contractor or delivery person alleged to have violated this policy will be reported to the Brookdale Community College Police Department and/or to his/her human resources representative, if applicable. Violation of this policy may result in the individual being banned from the College and/or the loss of business with the College.

How to Be an Active Bystander

What Is a Bystander?

Bystanders are the largest group of people involved in violence (sexual, dating and domestic). They greatly outnumber both the perpetrators and the victims. Some bystanders know that a specific assault is happening or will happen. Some bystanders see an assault or a potential assault in progress. Bystanders have the power to stop assaults from occurring and to get help for people who have been victimized.

A perpetrator of College sexual assaults may be outwardly charming, have a lot of friends, and may not consider the actions to be wrong. People who know this person (bystanders) and who might be friends with this person, often do not want women they care about (sisters, friends, etc.) to date or hang around this person. But when the behavior is directed at other women whom they are not close to, they often do not think they need to get involved. Bystanders often know that this person’s behavior is inappropriate and potentially illegal, but they do not know what they can do to make a difference.

Brookdale Community College wants to create a culture of bystanders who are actively engaged in the prevention of violence, not bystanders who stand by and do nothing.

Safe and Positive Options for Bystander Interventions:

Bystander intervention means safe and positive options that may be carried out by an individual or individuals to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Bystander intervention includes recognizing situations of potential harm, understanding institutional structures and cultural conditions that facilitate violence, overcoming barriers for intervening, identifying safe and effective intervention options, and taking actions to intervene.

Believe someone who discloses a sexual assault, abusive relationship, or experience with stalking·

Be respectful of yourself and others. Make sure any sexual act is OK with your partner if you initiate.

Watch out for your colleagues, students and friends. If you see someone on or off campus who looks like they are in trouble, ask if they are okay. If you are afraid to interfere with the situation, call that person over for something very general (“Can speak to you about the homework from the other day?”). If you see a colleague, student, or friend doing something harmful, say something.

Speak up. If someone says something offensive, derogatory, or abusive, let them know if you can do so safely that the behavior is wrong and you don’t want to be around it.  Don’t laugh at sexist, racist, or homophobic jokes.

Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Sexual Assault

Sexual abuse is a form of physical abuse. Any situation in which you are forced to participate in unwanted, unsafe or degrading sexual activity is sexual abuse. Forced sex, even by a spouse or intimate partner with whom you also have consensual sex, is an act of aggression and violence.  Furthermore, people whose partners abuse them physically and sexually are at a higher risk of being seriously injured or killed.

While you can never completely protect yourself from sexual assault, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of being assaulted.

1. Be aware of your surroundings.

2. Try to avoid isolated areas.

3. Walk with purpose. Even if you don’t know where you are going, act like you do.

4. Trust your instincts. If a situation or location feels unsafe or uncomfortable, it probably isn’t the best place to be.

5. Try not to load yourself down with packages or bags as this can make you appear more vulnerable.

6. Don’t allow yourself to be isolated with someone you do not trust or someone you don’t know.

7. Avoid putting music headphones in both ears so that you can be more aware of your surroundings.

If someone is pressuring you and you need to get out of an uncomfortable situation:

1. Remember that being in this situation is not your fault.

2. Don’t feel obligated to do anything you do not want to do.

3. Have a code word with your friends or family so that you can call them and communicate your discomfort without the person you are with knowing.

4. Try to think of an escape route. How would you get out of the room? Where are the doors? Windows?

Crime Prevention Programs for Students and Employees

A common theme of crime prevention program is to encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own security and the security of others. The College holds annual crime prevention programs for new students at orientation, continuing students as part of guest lectures by the Police Department and for students and employees through annual on-line and open in-person programs.

Crime prevention is further enhanced by the dissemination of the College’s Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Appeal Procedure to students and the College’s Code of Conduct and the Non-Discrimination Policy for employees. This information is provided to students each semester and annually to employees.

The key elements to crime prevention can be best achieved through coordination between the Campus Police Department, faculty, staff, and students.

Public Safety Suggestions

If you travel unescorted, especially at night, you should be aware of measures you can use to safeguard yourself from attack.  Brookdale Community College is ready to assist you in an emergency.

For the Lincroft campus, use the emergency phone number at the College – 2222 – from any on-campus phone or call 911.  Also, there are eighteen yellow exterior emergency Call Boxes identified by blue lights located throughout the Lincroft campus.  View map of the Lincroft campus at http://www.brookdalecc.edu/images/map/map_2high-res.jpg.  Operate the call box by – opening the door, picking up the handset and the police will be contacted whether or not a message is transmitted.  If you are calling from a cell phone for an emergency, dial 911. From outside the College phone system call (732) 224-2222 to also report a non-emergency or public safety related matter.

To report a crime or emergency or non-emergency at Brookdale at Hazlet, call Security at 4004 or, from outside the College phone system, (732)739-6012.

To report a crime or emergency or non-emergency at Brookdale at Long Branch, call Security at 1514 or, from outside the College phone system, (732)229-8440 ext. #1.

To report a crime or emergency or non-emergency at Brookdale at Wall, call Security at 6001 or, from outside the College phone system, (732)280-7090 ext. #1.

To report a crime or emergency or non-emergency at the Brookdale at Neptune, call Security at 1226 or, from outside the College phone system, (732)774-3363 ext. #1.

To report a crime or emergency or non-emergency at Brookdale’s Freehold Campus, call Security at 7000 or, from outside the College phone system, (732)780-0020 ext. #1.

You can help combat crime if you are aware of:

  1. Suspicious Persons
  2. Questionable Actions
  3. Dangerous Conditions

Your information is valuable. Give it to the College Police quickly. Time is important.  The following observations help identify people:

1.    Observe the individual’s height, weight, age, complexion, dress, speech, movement and anything else unusual in appearance or actions. Identify two or more notable characteristics. Compare physical proportions and age with someone you know.

2.    Observe distinguishing marks — a ring or other jewelry, tattoo or scar, missing tooth or finger, bow legs, etc.

3.    Observe if a car is used. Write down the color, make and license number.

While Walking

The best weapon against attack is psychological preparedness. An attacker usually expects a passive victim. Walking at a steady pace, looking confident and knowing where you are going makes a difference. Although there is no sure way to protect yourself against attack, certain factors can decrease your vulnerability.

1.    Try to avoid going out at night alone. When possible, walk with another person or in group. If walking alone, be even more alert to your surroundings.

2.    Walk near the curb and avoid walkways that pass close to shrubbery, dark doorways and other places where someone may hide. Avoid shortcuts and stay in well-lighted areas.

3.    Do not accept rides from strangers. If a car approaches and you are threatened, scream and run in a different direction opposite that of the car. The driver will have to turn around to pursue you.

4.    Maintain a secure grip on your purse. Avoid carrying large amounts of money or wearing expensive jewelry.

5.    Avoid working in or leaving classrooms and meeting rooms alone at night. Walk to the parking lot with another person.

6.    Avoid over loading your arms which renders you defenseless. Be prepared to drop bundles and run.

7.    Consider wearing clothing that would not impede your ability to run quickly.

8.    If you fear danger, scream loudly or blow a whistle. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. Raising a commotion in an uneasy situation may prevent an attack.

9.    Carrying a defense implement, such as an umbrella or a spray can, should be considered with caution and should be used only to stop an attack in order to get away.

10. Avoid telephone conversations while walking alone especially during the hours of darkness.

When Going to Your Car

Whether your car is parked in your own driveway, or in a parking lot, it is a good idea to remember the following rules:

1.    Avoid walking through or next to unlighted wooded areas or bushes whenever possible.

2.    Always have your car keys ready.

3.    Always approach your car dead center from the front or rear, never from the side.  This allows you complete visibility on both sides (driver and passenger) and also allows detection of anyone hiding or lurking there.

4.    It is advisable to carry a pocket flashlight or penlight at all times. Before getting into the car, look in the back seat and on the rear floor of the vehicle. Check the cars adjacent to you to assure that no one is hiding or waiting for you.

5.    Upon getting in the vehicle, lock all doors at once.

6.    Start the engine immediately — don’t just sit and wait.

7.    Should anyone try to break into the vehicle while you’re in it, press down firmly on the horn and keep it pressed down to attract as much attention as possible. Make every attempt to drive away.

8.    Whenever possible, have someone accompany you to your vehicle, then drive the person to his/her car.

When Driving

1.    Travel on well-lighted, busy streets. Keep windows rolled up and doors locked.

2.    Do not leave your wallet or purse in view. Put it in the glove compartment or on the floor opposite you.

3.    Keep your car in gear at all traffic lights and stop signs. If your safety is threatened, hold down on the horn and drive away.

4.    When stopped behind another vehicle make sure you can see the rear wheels of the vehicle touch the roadway. Never drive any closer. This will allow room to drive away if danger approaches.

5.    If you have reason to believe that another vehicle is following you, do not stop. Drive to the nearest police station or open business. Write down the license number and description of the vehicle.

6.    Park only in well-lighted areas and look for loiterers before leaving your vehicle.

7.    Lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables in view. (Lock them in the trunk.) This will discourage thieves.

8.    Don’t hitchhike, and don’t pick up hitchhikers.

A “responsible employee” is an employee who has a duty to report an incident of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator or other College official with authority to take action to redress an incident of sexual misconduct. A reporting employee must report to the Title IX Coordinator or other College official with authority all relevant details about the alleged sexual misconduct shared by the victim including the names of the victim and accused(s), any witnesses and other relevant facts, including the date, time and specific location of the alleged incidents.

The following employees (or categories of employees) are the College’s responsible employees.  Phone numbers called from a cell phone or other outside source, add

(732) 224-2222 to the interoffice numbers listed below:

Campus Police (2222)

Dean, Human Resources and Organizational Safety (2234)

Manager, Diversity, Inclusion, and Compliance (2695)

Director of Student Life and Activities (2390)

Dean of Student Success (2770)

College Counseling Center/ Counselors (2555)


Brookdale Community College Police Department – Lincroft
On-campus emergency (24 hours) …………………………………………………………………911
Police Services (24 hours) …………………………………………………………………………..2222
Anonymous Tips Line …………………………. …………………………. ………………………..1999

Brookdale at Hazlet
Brookdale Security Officer …………………………………………….. 4004 or (732) 739-6012
Emergency (24 hours) ……………………………………………………… ……………………….. 911
Anonymous Tips Line …………………………………………………………………………………1999

Brookdale at Long Branch
Brookdale Security Officer……………………………………… 1514 or (732) 229-8440 ext. #1
Emergency (24 hours) …………………………………………………………………………………. 911
Anonymous Tips Line ………………………………………………………………………………… 1999

Brookdale at Wall
Brookdale Security Officer ……………………………………… 6001 or (732) 280-7090 ext. #1
Emergency (24 hours) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 911
Anonymous Tips Line ………………………………………………………………………………… 1999

Brookdale at Neptune
Brookdale Security Officer .……………………………………. 1226 or (732) 774-3363 ext. #1
Emergency (24 hours) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 911
Anonymous Tips Line ………………………………………………………………………………… 1999

Brookdale at Freehold
Brookdale Security Officer ………………………………………..7000 or (732) 780-0020 ext. #1
Emergency (24 hours) …………………………………………………………………………………… 911
Anonymous Tips Line ………………………………………………………………………………….. 1999

Medical Treatment

BCC Police Department
Emergency ………………………………………………………………………. ……………………….911
Police Services …………………………. ……………………………………………….. (732) 224-2222

Bayshore Community Hospital ………………………………………………………. (732) 739-5900
727 North Beers Street, Holmdel, NJ 07733-1598

CentraState Healthcare System …………………………………………………… (732) 625-1238
West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728

Jersey Shore University Medical Center ………………………………………….. (732) 775-5500
1945 Route 33, Neptune, NJ 07754

Monmouth Medical Center …………………………………………………………….. (732) 923-7790
300 Second Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740

Riverview Medical Center Division ………………………………………………….. (732) 741-2700
One Riverview Plaza, Red Bank, NJ 07701

Emotional Support

College Counseling Center ……………………………………………………………. (732) 224-2593

Rape Crisis Center (Administration Office) ………………………………………. (732) 866-3570

Rape Crisis Hotline (24 hours) ……………………………………………………… (732) 264-RAPE

Employees: Contact Human Resources
Dean, Human Resources and Organizational Safety…………………………. (732) 224-2234
Manager, Diversity, Inclusion, and Compliance…………………………………. (732) 224-2695

Students: Contact Student Affairs Offices
Dean of Students …………………………………………………………………………. (732) 224-2770
Director of Student Life and Activities ……………………………………………… (732) 224-2390
Student Judicial Affairs ………………………………………………………………….. (732) 224-2096

Complaint Process

See Internal Procedures for Complaints Alleging Discrimination, Harassment or Hostile Environment in the Workplace or Educational and the forms to file a complaint by accessing http://www.brookdalecc.edu/staysafe.


Approved: President, 8/13/2015
Date: 8/13/15

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