LINCROFT, NJ (March 29, 2017) – Brookdale Community College will celebrate the 453rd birthday of William Shakespeare with the seventh annual Shakespeare Read-A-Thon on Thursday, April 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. in Lincroft.

Residents of all ages are invited to dress as their favorite Shakespearean character, read from their favorite plays and sonnets and join friends, family and community members in a collaborative reading from the Bard’s works.

This year’s program will celebrate “the power of love” in Shakespeare, shining a spotlight on the most memorable lovers and love scenes in the Bard’s catalogue. Individual and group readings are encouraged. Spectators are welcome as well.

“This annual celebration encourages people to try out their reading and acting skills, but more so to conquer their apprehension over Shakespeare’s language,” said Brookdale English Professor James Cody. “It shows that Shakespeare can be fun.”

The Read-A-Thon will be held in the Brookdale Performing Arts Center, 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft. Refreshments will be served. Parking is in Lot 1. For more information contact Professor James Cody at or call (732) 224-2681.