What is Handshake?

If you are looking for an internship in your major or a part-time or full-time job opportunity, Handshake has more opportunities for students and recent grads than anywhere else.



Currently enrolled Brookdale students can activate their account here.

Need assistance getting started with Handshake?  The “Getting Started with Handshake” guide has helpful information from creating a login to developing your Handshake profile.


Handshake FAQs

How Handshake will get you the job

Why you need Handshake more than other career sites

The 10-day Handshake challenge

Still have questions?  Contact us at career@brookdalecc.edu


Please note: The posting of employer, job, and internship information in our Handshake database should not be considered an endorsement by the Career Center or Brookdale Community College of the organizations posting the positions or the positions posted. If you ever have a question about the validity of an employer or opportunity, please contact our office.