Would you like to earn your High School Diploma and are between the ages of 16 and 24 years old?
We offer instruction and tutoring to help you prepare for all four GED exams.
Program Description:
- Take a placement test and attend an orientation with our funders, the Monmouth County Workforce Development Board
- Attend Brookdale Community College classes on-line via Zoom and Google Classroom, with additional support via email and phone.
- Work at your own pace with Brookdale Instructors and tutors
- We will help you explore careers, find employment, enroll in college and training programs, and secure financial aid.
- We have moved on-line and all classes are delivered via Zoom and Google Classroom with additional support available through email and phone calls.
- This program is free and includes exam fees, textbook, and calculator.
Contact us today at (732) 224-2828 or youthged@brookdalecc.edu