Bankier Library is a member of VALE, the state-wide consortium of New Jersey academic libraries. One of the benefits of VALE is the Reciprocal Borrowing agreement, which allows onsite borrowing of materials by student, faculty and staff.
How to Obtain a Reciprocal Borrowing Card
- Student must be in good standing with the Bankier Library
- Student must have a valid Brookdale College photo ID
- Obtain a signed VALE Reciprocal Borrowing Application Form from Bill McNelis 732-224-2773.
- Bring the original signed application form along with a valid Brookdale College photo ID to the lending library’s circulation desk to obtain a guest borrowing privileges card
- Guest card is valid for one academic year which expires on June 30
- Borrowers are responsible for all items borrowed including fees and charges and must comply with the lending library circulation policies
- Borrowed materials must be returned directly to the lending library
- Borrowers must present a new signed application form from the home institution to renew borrowing privileges