Stuck in this pandemic without anything going on; under constant duress from willing your spirit through these unprecedented times? This spring, The Innovation Network (TIN) will proudly welcome you to their Butterfly Garden and meditation center for all to enjoy.
They hope to provide both Brookdale Students as well as other willing consumers a spot to soak in the scenery and unwind from the stresses of life. TIN will also work with other organizations around the school to assist them in these happenings. Donations, fundraisers, and other means of contributions will be held prior to the date of this event. Here at Brookdale, we’re well aware of the risks people take by leaving their house to provide for both themselves and their family. This setup will take the precautions into account, allowing for both a safe and holistic experience.
What makes TIN unique is that, while the club certainly gets things done, the camaraderie and enthusiasm are shared equally among the members. Maeve Maguire President of TIN, who is also a yoga teacher, shares how she found TIN: “I visited other clubs on campus, and I had heard about an idea for a butterfly garden, but no one knew where to start. I attended a few TIN meetings and we started talking about it, and then we began writing up plans for the garden.”
So where will this garden be exactly? Maguire showed a photo of the Student Life Center and described the area: “Outside of the Student Life Center is a patch of grass and that’s where it will be. It is shaped like a horseshoe around a brick area, and we will build a raised bed around that. That will give us room for potential expansion and to house educational information. We designed it ourselves because we had to be sure we would be able to build it ourselves.