Financial Aid

Federal Financial Aid

We are excited to announce that for the first time, eligible students may be able to use federal Pell Grants to help pay for three short-term career training programs at Brookdale Community College.

Federal Financial aid in the form of grants and student loans is available for two of our non-credit, career training certification programs:

A non-refundable deposit of $275 (which will be applied to your tuition) is required at the time of registration for the above programs.

To be eligible for Federal Grants and loans, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA.)  Instructions and links are provided below.

Applying for Federal Financial Aid  

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA).

Apply early! The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be completed as soon as the appropriate tax forms are completed.

Complete your FAFSA on-line: it’s very easy and processing results usually take only one to two weeks, compared to the four to six weeks required for paper applications or renewals. Applying on-line is faster and more accurate. FAFSA online has built in edits to prevent students from missing any required information. It is recommended that you use the IRS Data Retrieval process when completing you FAFSA.  Click here for information on the IRS Data Retrieval ProcessYou will need to know our Federal School Code #008404 to complete your FAFSA.

While you are completing the FAFSA on-line you may also apply for a FSA ID. An FSA ID is comprised of a username and password and can be used to login to certain Federal Student Aid websites, such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Your FSA ID can be used to: Electronically sign Federal Student Aid documents, access your personal records, and make binding legal obligations. If you are a parent and need to electronically sign your child’s FAFSA, you need your own FSA ID! If you have more than one child attending college, you can use the same FSA ID to sign their applications.

Click here to file your FAFSA online.

Can’t apply on-line?

For those of you that may not have a computer or access to the Internet, or just feel uncomfortable filing on-line, the paper FAFSA is available in the Brookdale Financial Aid Office.  If you do not have a computer you are welcome to use the computers in the Financial Aid office or in the Bankier Library’s Information Commons.

Other financial aid requirements include that you must:

For information on financial aid for career training programs, please call: 732-224-2140