Interior Design Fundamentals

Student Life Center, 103 765 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ, United States

SLC, Room 103 Parking lot #7 to Student Life Center MAP   Whether you are considering downsizing, upsizing, or just refreshing your decor, unlock your creativity and transform you living spaces. Create harmonious color palettes using color theory, and incorporate principles of space planning, layout, and lighting design. Feature personal items and heirlooms to make […]


Egyptomania: The Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt in Decorative Arts

Student Life Center, 103 765 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ, United States

SLC, Room 103 Parking lot #7 to Student Life Center MAP   The sensational discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 prompted a reinterpretation of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, especially through decorative arts. The influence of ancient Egyptian design was seen almost immediately in architecture, graphic arts, jewelry, decorative arts, and even wallpaper. Various interpretations […]
