During International Education Week, November 15th through 19th, there are campus-wide activities to celebrate the special significance of the international educational exchange. On November 18th, Brookdale Community College students participating in the Global Citizenship Distinction (GCD) program are collaborating with students from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC Goiás ) in Brazil to present an international Human Trafficking Panel on Zoom. This is a critical topic that concerns everyone worldwide.
Since GCD focuses on global awareness, global perspective, and global engagement, the GCD Cohort thought it would be beneficial to concentrate on how trafficking affects both the United States of America (USA) and Brazil.
“Our students are working hard and presenting a host of activities across the campus, online and in the community, to create an awareness and raise their voices, to stop this evil practice from affecting the lives of people,” said Dr. Nambrath Raj Wesley, professor of Psychology at Brookdale.
In collaborating with the students from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, under the supervision of Ivan Neto, professor and undergraduate coordinator for History, at PUC Goias, Danillo Alarcon, assistant professor and coordinator of International Relations at PUC Goias, and Dr. Janice Thomas, director, Brookdale’s International Education Center and Dr. Wesley, the goal is to raise awareness, gain a broader perspective of how trafficking is affecting both New Jersey and Brazil, and be more engaged in the prevention of trafficking in both locations.
It is no secret that there are so many problems around us that go unnoticed, mainly because of the lack of education on the issues.
When people hear about Human Trafficking, they easily equate it to sex trafficking, but trafficking is far more than that. There are many myths and misconceptions about trafficking that the panel hopes to debunk with truths and facts.
Please zoom in on November 18th to experience this rare opportunity to hear and learn from students here and abroad as they collaborate with our Brazilian partners on the ramifications of Human Trafficking in the USA and Brazil from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Please e-mail Dr. Raj Wesley for more information at rwesley@brookdalecc.edu.