NJ Film Academy Launches in January 2025 to Train New Jersey’s Film & TV Workforce

The NJ Pathways to Career Opportunities initiative is boosting New Jersey’s growing film industry by launching comprehensive workforce training programs through the NJ Film Academy, which will begin at four community colleges in Spring 2025. Created under the Center of Workforce Innovation for Film & Television Production, and supported by the New Jersey Council of Community Colleges, this initiative helps students earn industry-recognized credentials, preparing them with valuable skills to enter the film and television industry.

Thirteen New Jersey community colleges to date, have expresses intent to partner through the NJ Film Academy to meet the increasing demand for skilled workers in the film industry. By pooling their resources, these colleges offer a wide range of training opportunities that cover every aspect of film and TV production. With experienced faculty and industry-approved programs, the NJ Film Academy is ready to provide top-quality training that employers value. This statewide initiative, part of a broader effort by the New Jersey Council of County Colleges (NJCCC) aims to position New Jersey as a leading hub for film and television production and boosting economic growth.

The four community colleges that will begin offering NJ Film Academy classes in the spring are:

  1. Brookdale Community College, the lead institution of the Center of Workforce Innovation for Film & Television Production, located in Lincroft, Monmouth County.
  2. Mercer County Community College
  3. Camden County College
  4. Hudson County Community College

This collaborative approach ensures that a skilled workforce is available throughout the state, making it easier for production companies to find trained crew. By streamlining and standardizing training programs, the colleges guarantee that graduates will have access to consistent training, regardless of their location.

Under the leadership of Director Diane Raver, the NJ Film Academy will offer three curriculum tracks:

  1. On Set Production
  2. Production Office and Accounting
  3. Hair, Makeup, and Wardrobe

Each track requires a prerequisite of Script to Screen: Introduction to the Entertainment Industry and opportunities for internships for real-world experience. With its comprehensive training programs, the NJ Film Academy is expected to play a key role in making New Jersey a top destination for film and TV production.

For more information and to register for the programs please visit: https://www.brookdalecc.edu/continuinged/careerdevelopment/nj-film-academy-programs/