For students entering Summer and Fall 2019
Next Gen Reading
If you have a score of 200-232
You have placed into READ 091
If you have a score of 233-249
You have placed into READ 095
If you have a score of 250 or greater
No Reading classes are required. You have met the requirements for Reading.
Next Gen Writing
If you have a score of 249 or less
You have placed into ENGL 095 or ENGL 099. The retest is offered in the Writing Center. It is an essay.
If you have a score of 250 or greater
You have placed into ENGL 121, the first college level writing class. You do not require any developmental classes in English.
Next Gen Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics (QAS)
If you have a score of 200-239
You have placed into MATH 015 (or MATH 011 if you also placed into READ 091)
If you have a score of 240-249
You have placed into MATH 021 (non-STEM) or MATH 025 (STEM)
If you have a score of 250 or above
You have placed out of MATH 021 (you qualify for MATH 131, 136, or 145)
If you have a score of 276 or above
You have placed out of MATH 025 (you qualify for MATH 131, 136, 145 or 151)
Accuplacer Classic (Taken before 10/1/2018)
If you have a score of 50 or less
You have placed into READ 091, after which you must take READ 092. Both of these classes are non-credit classes and must be taken before any classes requiring completion of Reading as a prerequisite. You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have received a score between 51 and 79
You have placed into READ 095. This is a non-credit class and must be taken before any classes requiring completion of Reading as a prerequisite. You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have received a score of 80 or greater
No Reading classes are required. You have met the requirements for Reading.
If you have a score of 78 or less
You have placed into ENGL 095 or ENGL 099. The retest is offered in the Writing Center. It is an essay.
If you have a score of 79 or greater
You have placed into ENGL 121, the first college level writing class. You do not require any developmental classes in English.
If you have a score of 29 or less
You have placed into MATH 011, after which you must take MATH 012. Both of these classes are non-credit classes. You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have a score between 30 and 69
You have placed into MATH 015, which is a non-credit class. You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have a score of 70 or greater
You have met the requirements for Arithmetic. Please refer to your Elementary Algebra score for Math placement.
If you have a score of 75 or less
You have placed into MATH 021 (possibly followed by MATH 022) or MATH 025. Upon completion of MATH 021 you are eligible to take MATH 131, 136, 137 or 145. You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have a score between 76 and 85
You have placed into MATH 131, 136, or 145. If you need to take MATH 151 for your major, you must take MATH 025 (for most Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math majors.) You are eligible to retest one time.
If you have a score of 86 or greater
You are eligible to take MATH 131, 136, 145, or 151. Your Advisor will advise you of the appropriate course for your major.
It is strongly recommended that before you retest, you review the material.
Go to: for preparation resources.