Wilbur Ray Student Scholarships

The Scholarship Program is named in honor of the late Sgt. Wilbur Ray, a long-time and devoted member of the Brookdale Community College police force and an active volunteer in the Long Branch community.  His example of public service serves as the inspiration for the program, celebrating significant contributions by Monmouth County residents and organizations.

The Wilbur Ray Scholarship Awards Event is held annually to celebrate diversity in the Brookdale community and the importance of civic engagement. Proceeds from the dinner support the Wilbur Ray Scholarship Program, which has distributed several thousand dollars in numerous scholarships to students for close to 40 years.

Contact Yvette Krupa (Ykrupa@brookdalecc.edu) for more information.

Scholarship Awards

Scholarship funds are credited to the Brookdale student’s account to cover tuition, fees, or textbooks/supplies.

Financial Aid

All students & families are encouraged to complete a financial aid application. CLICK HERE to request assistance and to learn more about Tuition-Free Brookdale.

Questions about Financial Aid eligibility? Visit the Financial Aid website, or contact the Financial Aid office at (732) 224-2361 or e-mail questions to faoffice@brookdalecc.edu


Apply for Scholarship