For patron printing, computing and research needs…
- This area includes:
- A reference desk for research questions
- A tech desk for personalized technology assistance
- 108 PCs
- 6 Macs – equipped with Adobe Creative Suite
- 2 flatbed scanners
- 3 pay-to-print stations – Must purchase print card at vending machine within library or use Brookdale OneCard
- 4 teaching classrooms, equipped with 25 PC’s
- Each computer contains Microsoft Office plus additional course related software. Please see list.
- All computers have internet access, including but not limited to Brookdale’s academic databases, ebooks, and ejournals.
- PC locations for 1st and 2nd floor.
- Wireless access is available throughout library.
- Tech desk and reference desk is staffed during library and special hours.
For any other questions on the information commons, please call or email:
Technical Help Desk (1st Floor) 732-224-2431
Research Help Desk (1st Floor): 732-224-2443
The space and resources in the Information Commons are prioritized for research and coursework for Brookdale Community College classes.