What donations will be accepted by the Bankier Library?
The Bankier Library appreciates donations of hard bound academic-level books on topics related to the current curriculum. Please speak with a Bankier Library faculty librarian prior to bringing in any donations.
The Bankier Library will not accept the following:
Non-academic level books
Textbooks more than two years old
Paperback books
Legal materials that require updating
Duplicates, except in special cases
Any books in poor physical condition, including: brittle paper; worn or broken bindings; missing or ripped pages; pen, highlighter or pencil marked pages; damage from water, mold, mildew or insects; or with a musty odor
Periodicals: Newspapers, Magazines or Journals
Non-print materials: Videotapes, DVDs, CDs, or Tape Cassettes
Who to contact with book donation questions?
Our faculty librarians make the decisions on additions to the book collection. General information may be obtained from the Bankier Library Director’s office at 732-224-2482.
How to deliver book donations to the Bankier Library?
The books should be delivered to the Bankier Library Information Desk, 1st floor, during library hours of operation. Please include the Gift Acceptance Form with your donation so that we will know who to thank. Broookdale employees do not pick up donations from off campus.
What happens to donations after they are delivered to the Bankier Library?
All donated items become the property of the Bankier Library. Book donations are carefully reviewed by the faculty librarians and if appropriate, are added to the collection. Unacceptable materials will be discarded.
Does the Bankier Library appraise book donations?
Brookdale Community College and the Bankier Library do not assign or validate a monetary value for gifts. This is the donor’s responsibility.
How are donors acknowledged?
Donors receive an official letter from Brookdale Community College thanking them for their support of the institution. Please fill out the Gift Acceptance Form so that you will receive this letter of thanks.
Does the Bankier Library accept cash donations?
Yes. Donations may be made via the Brookdale Foundation and are credited to the Library Endowment Fund.
Who do I email if I have further questions or comments?
For further questions or comments, email Ask a Librarian.