Brookdale Television offers an array of video production services to market and promote your mission on television and the web.

►Our award-winning promotional spots increase the opportunities to communicate your message to major donors and foundations online and on television.

►Our “Success Campaign” appeared on local broadcast stations and regionally on cable stations including A&E, TNT, ESPN, MTV, VH-1, & many others.

►Our partnership with NJTV New Jersey Public Television allows BTV to produce and distribute content to a larger New Jersey audience.

►Our connection to other New Jersey cable access channels can help you expand your message to a larger targeted audience.

►Our professional staff and student crews are key to providing quality productions at reasonable costs.

Samples of Our Work (click on thumbnails to view our videos)

Parker Day 2 049  tag  Lunch Break  exterior_longview  Screen Shot 2014-03-25 at 3.34.35 PM

Client List:

Lunch Break
Parker Family Health Center
Family & Children’s Service
Prevention First
Brookdale Community College’s “Success Campaign”


A Few of our Television Series Include

“Brookdale Newsmakers”

“Visiting Writers Series”

“Monmouth in Focus” – Monmouth County Freeholders

“Songwriters on the Beach”