Academic Amnesty

Academic Amnesty allows students to restore their academic standing by eliminating previous academic credits below Credit or C grade from the current Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) with the following provisions:

  1. Academic Amnesty can be granted one time only with final approval determined by the Vice President, Academic Affairs.
  2. All previous coursework will continue to appear on the student’s transcripts; however, all courses with grades below Credit or C level during the student’s previous attendance will not be included in the calculations for the cumulative G.P.A. when Academic Amnesty is declared.
  3. The designation “Academic Amnesty Applied” will appear on transcripts to indicate the separation of past coursework from the current.
  4. Academic Amnesty does not affect or alter student’s records for financial aid eligibility.

Students who attended Brookdale Community College in the past and attained very poor academic records are eligible to apply for Academic Amnesty if the following conditions are met:

  1. At least three years have elapsed since the end of the last term attended and the return to credit enrollment at the College.
  2. The student’s academic standing upon return to the College is unsatisfactory (i.e., Warning, Probation, Suspension or Dismissal status, or the cumulative G.P.A. is below 2.0.
  3. The student is activated in a degree program under the Catalog current at the time of return with additional courses needed to complete the degree program’s requirements


  1. Upon return to the College, the student must meet with a Counselor before applying for Academic Amnesty to ensure the initial eligibility requirements are met.
  2. The Counselor will then provide approval to preliminarily initiate an Academic Amnesty Application with the Counselor indicating intent to achieve amnesty.
  3. The student must maintain regular contact with their Counselor to monitor academic progress toward Amnesty and must consecutively complete at least twelve (12) credits, with a C grade or higher (i.e., no D’s, F’s, or W’s) and the G.P.A. for all course work taken during this time must be at least a 2.0
  4. Upon completion of the twelve (12) credits, the student provides the Academic Amnesty Application to the Registrar’s Office for initial approval.
  5. The approved application is forwarded by the Registrar to the Vice President, Academic Affairs for final approval.