Brookdale Email & Office 365 Apps – Outlook

Brookdale Community College uses Microsoft’s Cloud Hosted Outlook as the student, staff, and faculty email application. Microsoft’s Cloud Hosted Outlook offers comprehensive email, calendaring, and collaboration tools. These tools are integrated with email services on Exchange so you can arrange meetings with your colleagues more efficiently, view the calendars of those who have granted you permission, schedule rooms and resources, and create to-do lists.

Available to

Students, Faculty, and Staff

IMPORTANT: Your Office 365 Email and Application subscription is valid for one year after your last actively enrolled semester for Brookdale Students. As long as you are a current Brookdale employee, Brookdale continues the license agreement with Microsoft.


Key Features


View Self-Help Resources:

If you have an issue or request related to this service, the Brookdale Office of Information Technology’s Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Contact the IT Help Desk using one of the following methods:

Contact the OIT Help Desk 24/7 | Phone 732-224-2829 | Email | Create a Support Ticket | Services & Support