About Sexual Assault

Sex offenses, whether forcible or non-forcible, violate College Regulations and criminal law. Any reported violation will be treated swiftly through established College disciplinary procedure and/or legal avenues.

The College disciplinary procedure ensures that both the accuser and accused have an opportunity to present their case and that both will be notified of the outcome. Following a College disciplinary hearing, sanctions may include dismissal of charges, verbal or written reprimands, establishment of specific stipulations to be met for continued attendance at the College, suspension, or expulsion.

In reporting a sex offense, initial contact should be made to the Campus Police as quickly as possible. Students also have the option of notifying the local (Middletown municipal) police. Students who are reluctant to notify either campus or local police may request assistance from appropriate campus officials such as the Director of Student Life and Activities, Student Development Specialist (Counselor), College Nurse or Dean of Enrollment Development and Student Affairs.

The general procedures for reporting emergency situations (link at left) should be followed. Additionally, any evidence which may be necessary to prove criminal sexual assault should be preserved.

Students will be afforded every opportunity, and assistance will be provided upon request, to adjust academic programs and schedules to meet their needs. Please review the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights (link at left).

There are many services available to assist victims of sexual assault. A list of counseling options, mental health center, legal, or medical support, and other services may be obtained from the Office of Student Life and Activities, a Student Development Specialist, the College Nurse, or from our brochure entitled First Response to a Rape or Sexual Assault Victim, which is distributed campus-wide and is available in the above-named offices.