Brookdale is located in the center of a residential neighborhood here in Middletown. Please join us in observing the following local traffic laws:
No left turn from 7-10 AM on Pine Street, Lindy Lane, or Oak Street.
No right turn from 2-5 PM on Holly, Laurel, or Hickory Lanes.
Cutting through the Amoco Station to avoid the traffic light is a violation that carries a substantial fine and two points.
On campus speed limits are 25 MPH on roadways and 15 MPH in parking lots. Minimum fine for speeding is $78 and two points.
All parking and driving regulations are strictly enforced by the Sheriff’s Department and summonses will be issued for violations: these summonses are payable to the Middletown Municipal Court.
To learn more or ask specific questions please phone the Sheriff’s Office at 732-224-2222.