Information & Resources
Policies & Procedures
Victim Assistance
What Is Consent?
Brookdale Community College regulations define consent as the following:
- Consent must be clear, verbal, sober, and affirmative.
- Consent must be obtained for each and every sexual activity to constitute effective consent.
- Consensual activity requires a mutual decision of both parties without any hint of force, threat, coercion, pressure, fraud, manipulation or fear of injury or loss of safety.
- Consent cannot be given if the victim is asleep, mentally or physically incapacitated due to alcohol and/or other drugs or due to a temporary or permanent mental or physical condition.
- Silence, passivity or the lack of active resistance is not consent.
- Previous sexual activity does not equal current consent.
- Consent to one form of sexual activity does not equal consent to other forms of sexual activity.
- Consent can be withdrawn at any point.