E-Portfolio Requirements

Creating an e-portfolio is a fundamental aspect of reaching Global Citizenship Distinction.  The e-portfolio will include evidence of experiences and learning outcomes through journaling, self reflective memoirs, photo essays, experiential surveys, letters of recommendation from faculty, internship sponsors and/or advisors, evidence of related presentations and course related projects, and completion of globally focused papers or presentations on global topics.
The intent of the e-portfolio is to demonstrate the student’s learning, awareness of global issues, active participation in global activities and gained interest and understanding as a result of their experiences.  E-portfolios will be evaluated on a regular basis and a final assessment of all included work will be conducted to ensure completion prior to the awarding of the Global Citizenship Distinction honor.
Students will write about their experiences. They will reflect on two very basic aspects: 1)What did they learn from the experience? and 2) How will they use what they learned in their careers and interactions with others?
For each event or activity, participants submit an entry into their e-portfolio. Individual e-portfolios are housed in CANVAS. Participants are encouraged to add photos, videos and other items that can bring their experiences to life.

E-Portfolio Grading Rubric

Each e-portfolio submission will be reviewed and feedback given to student. Each e-portfolio submission must receive a minimum of 50 points.  Students will make improvements to submission when scores fall below the minimum scores. Prior to program completion and receiving Global Citizenship Distinction recognition, each student’s e-portfolio will be evaluated.




15 points


10 points


5 points


0 points


Personal Reflection
(min score 10) 
Excellent evaluation of personal experiences and learning. Accurate consideration of personal experiences and learning. Somewhat superficial consideration of personal experiences and learning. Did not demonstrate personal experiences and learning.
Creative Use of Technology
(min score 10)  
Innovative use of graphics, sounds, links, additional software and Internet resources to express experience and learning. Used creative sounds, graphics, and links to express experience and learning. Some uses of interesting sounds and graphics to express experience and learning. No evidence of independent resources in expression of experience and learning.  
(min score 10)
Graphics, colors, font size attractive and easy to read and enhances the portfolio entry Pleasing visualizations, and graphics, colors, and font size are appropriate. Graphics, colors, font size slightly distracting or adds little to the portfolio entry. Graphics, colors, font size distracting and difficult to read detracting from the portfolio entry.

(min score 10)
Flawless grammar and punctuation. Very few grammar and punctuation errors. Some grammar and punctuation errors. Several grammar and punctuation errors.
Response to
(min of 10)
Followed all directions and completed submission with extra material and focus tom produce an excellent entry. Followed directions and completed submission with focus and interest. Did not follow all directions or failed to complete submission with focus or interest. Disregarded  directions and failed to complete submission with focus and/or interest..
Total points