Explore New Possibilities

Are you just beginning your job search or are you unemployed and not sure how to proceed? Do you have a successful career, but find yourself looking for a new opportunity? From online tools to in-depth one-on-one career counseling, Brookdale offers you programs to help you succeed.

New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator (NJCAN)

The state’s free web-based career guidance system is designed to support lifelong career exploration and career planning through easy to use, straightforward search and sorting utilities. An online portfolio enables you to save your information. Click on NJ Resident in the log-in box to get started! Enter your city or town, and zip code.

Get Your dreamMASTERS: Change the Course of Your Job Search

Are you looking for a job or pivoting to a new career? Think you know what you want to do but not sure how to land your dream job? Have no idea how to begin and just need a professional hug? Join The Dreamcatchers, career experts Marissa Klein and Jamie Sztoser, as they share their 20+ years of experience in NYC-based staffing and recruitment and break down the mysteries of job search. This course includes 4 90-minute workshops that will not only get you ready for applying and interviewing, but will set you up for success in the search for your dream job:

dreamRESUME: a workshop to retool your resume and ensure it’s ready to make an impact with hiring managers. Get ready to learn formats, tips and tricks you have never even thought about!
dreamPROFILE: a LinkedIn workshop to review your current profile and update it to make the most out of your connections. It’s so important to “network the most when you need it the least,” as Marissa and Jamie always say.
The Brand Crush Project (TM): a fool-proof method of using your network and interests/passions to break through the clutter and land your dream job.
dreamWORKSHOP: a space to put everything we learned together and become more confident in the job search process.

Mon, Sept 13 – Oct 4, 6 – 7:30 pm, Hybrid, in person classes on Lincroft Campus
Fee and Code: $179, XBUSS 107

One-On-One Career Counseling

Read the New York Times article on Conquering Frustration on the Road Back to Work. Meet one-on-one with a professional career counselor to explore occupational options and choices. Programs offered are listed below. To register for career counseling, contact nrudinski@brookdalecc.edu or call (732)-224-2394. Payment is due at registration.

Career Crossroads

Career Crossroads is a four-session (three in-person and one telephone) career counseling program where individuals meet one-on-one with a certified career counselor. Analyze your interests, skills, abilities, values, and goals, and come to an understanding of who you are and what you want out of life and a career. Get the support you need to make job and lifestyle decisions, and find the answers already within you. Five tests are administered as additional tools to aid you and the counselor in exploring choices and your future.

Career Crossroads Fee: $649

Career Passport

A two-session career counseling program where you explore and address specific issues with a certified career counselor. Two tests are administered to help you make choices about your future.

Career Passport Fee: $349