NJBIA Grant-Funded Training for your Employees
Registration for January 2025 is now open!
*Please Note: Public employees are not eligible to participate in this program.*
*No-shows take a seat from another who may need it.*
New Jersey’s workforce can participate in grant funded training offered in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development, the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) and the New Jersey Community College Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development. We offer a selection of the courses listed below on an open enrollment basis. All courses can be brought to your company for 10 or more employees.
For more information, contact Nick Rudinski at nrudinski@brookdalecc.edu
Course Descriptions:
These courses can be customized to your requirements.
Soft Skills
- Selling Smarter – The Sale is all in Your Head
- Professional Interpersonal Communication & Listening Skills
- Mastering Communication Styles
- Delivering an Expectation Shattering Customer Experience
- Time Mastery for Greater Effectiveness & Productivity
- Leading Your Team & Yourself through Change
- Stress Management for Better Health & Improved Productivity!
- Overcoming Workplace Negativity
- Harnessing Work-Life Integration for Balance
- Conflict Resolution & Confrontation Skills
- Mastering Your Emotions in the Workplace
- Dealing with Difficult People & Personalities
- The 5 Levels of Effective Leadership
- Speak and Present with Confidence & Power
- Analytical & Intuitive Problem Solving
- Phone-da-Mentals – Mastering Professional Telephone Skills
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The Goals & Vision Mastery Course
- “Selling Smarter – The Sale is all in Your Head”
- Business Professionalism & Career Acceleration
- Platinum Level Email Etiquette
- Strategies for Building a Dream Team
- The Power of Influence, Persuasion & Motivation
- Resilience in the Workplace
- Transitioning from Team Player to Team Leader
- Coaching and Feedback Skills for Leaders
- Self-Esteem, Assertiveness and Peak Performance
- Mastering Work-Life Harmony
- Enhancing Your Creativity & Innovation
PC Courses
- Word Level I
- Word Level II
- Excel Level I
- Excel Level II
- Excel Level III
- PowerPoint I
- PowerPoint II
- Access
- Windows
- Outlook
- English as a Second Language (ESL) I
- English as a Second Language (ESL) II
- Spanish For The Workplace I
- Spanish For The Workplace II
Course Descriptions
Soft Skills
Selling Smarter – The Sale is all in Your Head
Research in the art of selling concludes that the attitude by which you approach the sale will determine its outcome more than any other element of the selling process. Top producers understand a “behind the scenes” or “mental aspect” for building trust and rapport with prospects long before a contract is signed. Your prospect buys “you” long before they invest in your product or services. This content-rich workshop will discuss the following exciting topics.
Key learning points:
- Creating rapport with prospects and nurturing the relationship for increased profits.
- Strategies for Pre-Sale Preparation.
- How to make a great first impression.
- The cornerstones of Value-Based Selling.
- Creating loyalty with existing customers.
- The 7 Steps for creating a winning sales team.
- How developing a genuine desire to help, empathy, and persistence can increase your profits.
- Tips for “earning” better referrals.
Basic Communication For Improved Customer Service
This course is designed for those workers who come into contact with the customers of any company. Customers are defined as anyone, external paying customers or internal staff, who supports the company’s mission. The course will help the participants better understand who their customers are, and the benefits for both the individual worker and the company in providing good customer service. Upon completion of the training students will be able to:
- Define customer service
- Be able to explain the difference between external and internal customers
- Recognize that service delivery is an individual response value
- Understand how your own behavior impacts the behavior of others
- Develop more confidence and skill as a problem-solver
- Communicate more assertively and effectively
- Learn some ways to make customer service a team approach
- Look at the impression they give customers and ways they can improve
Basic Communication: Verbal Skills
This course is designed for those workers who have basic verbal and reading skills in English. It will introduce participants to the importance of good verbal and non-verbal communication skills in the workplace including good listening skills. It will demonstrate how different personal communication styles affect how co-workers, supervisors, and customers receive and interpret information. The course will target the outcomes as defined below but limit itself to verbal skills only. Upon completion of the training students will be able to:
- Focus on communication barriers and how we can overcome them
- Understand how personal communication impacts how others receive and interpret information
- Understand common barriers to effective communications including non-verbal actions and jargon
- Apply the basic principles of effective communication when communicating with supervisors, co-workers, and customers
- Become effective participants in workplace meetings
This course is designed for those workers who have basic verbal and reading skills in English. It will demonstrate how different personal communication styles affect how co-workers, supervisors, and customers receive and interpret information. The course will target the outcomes as defined below but limit itself to written skills only. Upon completion of the training students will be able to:
- Organize information and present complete thoughts
- Understand the basic rules of grammar (written and verbal)
- Understand the important of ‘tone’
- Avoid repetitive use of words and redundancies
- Avoid jargon, slang, and clichés
- Avoid excessive wordiness and negative language
- Understand the importance of proper spelling and punctuation
- Be able to prepare a short and properly constructed written business letter or memo
Professional Interpersonal Communication & Listening Skills
Genuine communication and listening are skills that can be quickly developed. More than 135 documented studies indicate that listening is a top skill needed for your personal and business success. Good communication skills are prerequisites to promotability. Are you a good listener and communicator? Is your lack of interpersonal skills holding you back or damaging critical relationships?
Learning Objectives:
- How to prevent your mind from wandering and develop laser-sharp focus when someone is speaking to you.
- Improving your memory and recall during a conversation or meeting.
- Master listening strategies, such as precision questions, paraphrasing, and silence.
- Understand the power of body language during a conversation.
- Learn the benefits of being a “Tri-Channel Communicator”.
Mastering Communication Styles
The latest research in communication reveals that your professional success depends primarily on your human relations skills. You must master the ability to create positive, productive relationships with everyone every day! The faster you can build trust and rapport with others, the better your chances of a productive working relationship. Think about it… it’s not necessarily the technical skills or even the I.Q. that makes professionals stand out in their jobs. It’s the superior communication skills that improve careers, enhances productivity, and ensures job satisfaction.
You Will Learn:
- How to create instant rapport with others.
- Reframing your language patterns to enhance your daily interactions.
- Discover principles for building trust and credibility with your team & customers.
- Discover the different communication styles to better influence and motivate others.
Delivering an Expectation Shattering Customer Experience
What do we mean by “Good Customer Service”? The term has been used over and over again, especially since the Quality Improvement movement of the late 1980s. Has excellent customer service lost its meaning with the advent of discount retailers, fast food, online shopping, and value vs. quality marketing?
What You’ll Learn:
- Explore what Customer Service means to customers, employees, and managers of the organization and how to make it an essential part of the organizational
- Learn the 6 Ultimate Objectives of Every Client Interaction.
- Serve every customer with an “Attitude of Gratitude”.
- How to apply the “L.A.S.T. Approach when dealing with difficult customers.
Time Mastery for Greater Effectiveness & Productivity
In this very interactive and supportive workshop, we will share insights and practical techniques to help you plan more effectively, prioritize your responsibilities, and become better organized – so you can make the most of your time.
Learning Objectives:
- Better Organize Yourself for Peak Effectiveness.
- Understand the Most Useful Techniques for Setting and Achieving Goals.
- Learn to Avoid the Top 7 Time & Productivity Zappers.
- Master the 8 Skills of an Effective Time Manager.
Leading Your Team & Yourself through Change
Change throws us into situations forcing us to draw on our inner resources to survive. We are asked to be flexible, learn more, stay focused, produce quality work, and do it all faster than before. Sadly, we are often asked to silently accept workplace change and keep our feelings to ourselves (unless we have something positive to say). We have to decide whether we go down with the ship or remain afloat.
Learning Objectives:
- Master keeping your head above water during turbulent times of change.
- Learn how to help your team, co-workers, or family adapt gracefully to new challenges.
- Master the art of “flexibility” when life is overwhelming and unpredictable.
- Guiding your team successfully through “change fatigue”.
- Master the 7 steps for leading your team to acceptance.
- Keeping your team engaged, loyal, and accountable during difficult times.
Stress Management for Better Health & Improved Productivity!
Do pressures, deadlines, and demanding situations leave you frazzled? Do stress and tension affect your work performance? Do you lack energy during the day? Do you take your job home with you? If so, then this program is for you.
Stress has a significant link to every problem we encounter professionally and personally. Stress is linked to many health problems, including insomnia, headaches, anxiety, absentmindedness, reduced productivity, excessive worry, lack of concentration, and the list goes on. This program is a prerequisite for anyone desiring to eliminate the harmful side effects of stress.
Learning Objectives:
- Master a clinical approach to meditation for your physical & mental well-being.
- Incorporate the ABC strategy for rapid stress reduction.
- Learn how to eliminate insomnia, headaches and other stress-related issues naturally.
- Improve your energy and vitality levels for enhanced productivity and life balance.
Overcoming Workplace Negativity
Is chronic negativity a problem in your workplace? Are difficult people destroying company morale? If so, it may cost your company a loss in productivity… and good people quitting. This insightful program is the perfect starting point for you and your co-workers to confront workplace negativity constructively.
Learning Objectives:
- How to detect and arrest negativity in its early stages!
- Confront negative problems instead of feeling stuck and victimized!
- What to do if you are considered the negative one!
- Individual Negativity: Where does it come from, and how to conquer it.
- Relational Negativity: What you can do if you’re on the receiving end of someone else’s negativity—at work or home.
- Organizational Negativity: How negativity becomes entranced in an organization and what you can do about it.
Harnessing Work-Life Integration for Balance
Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge come great rewards when it is done successfully. Balancing a career with home life will provide benefits in each environment. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be able to produce more career-wise.
This workshop will show how to focus on the essential things, set accurate and achievable goals, and communicate better with your peers at work and your family at home.
You Will Learn:
- The detrimental effects of an off-balance personal and business life.
- Harness your physical, emotional, and mental energy, and learn how these contribute to a sense of work-life balance.
- The Top 10 Principles for achieving balance in all areas.
- The importance of gratitude
Conflict Resolution & Confrontation Skills
Did you know that many people view conflict as something bad or something to avoid? The truth is conflict is destructive only if it escalates! As long as conflict escalation is avoided, conflict in itself can be a powerful force for beneficial change and employee collaboration.
However, suppose your conflict situations are escalating — what can be done then? How can your organization create win-win outcomes when employees reach an impasse in a resolution or problem-solving process? The answer to these questions and many more can be found in this fantastic conflict management program.
Learning Objectives:
- Master a system of psychologically sound resolution strategies proven to work in various conflict situations, helping to improve relationships, communication skills, and productivity.
- The Conflict Escalation Scale for circumventing or surfacing hidden issues
- The “Interest & Position Strategy” for cooperative resolution.
- The four conflicts you must avoid.
- When is the ideal time to walk away from a conflict.
- How to confront a person or situation without creating resentment or hard feelings.
Mastering Your Emotions in the Workplace
The ability to master your emotions is one of the most important keys to your business and personal success. Negative emotions are your own worst enemy. They can spoil relationships, create stress, health problems, reduce productivity, stall your career, destroy your family life, and tear down your self-esteem. This enlightening program presents an innovative, solution-driven approach to the inevitable emotions that arise at work and home.
Learning Objectives:
- How to transform destructive emotions into positive, productive forces.
- The power of positive self-talk.
- How your self-esteem affects your emotions.
- How to control your temper and mood swings.
- The 7 “Perks” of Emotional Intelligence.
Dealing with Difficult People & Personalities
At some point in your career, I’m sure you’ve had the pleasure of dealing with difficult people or angry customers. It’s no secret that dealing with the public can be a very challenging job. They can ruin your day and create large amounts of unnecessary stress. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to please every single person all the time. However, there are many things you can do to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude while you’re swimming in a sea of negativity.
You will learn:
- How to protect yourself from difficult people’s destructive behavior.
- Understand & appreciate why difficult personalities behave the way they do.
- Develop coping strategies when dealing with the top -7- difficult personalities.
- Learn a -6- step process to remain calm in difficult situations.
- How to respond if someone cries in a problematic situation.
- How to respond to criticism effectively.
The 5 Levels of Effective Leadership
The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT factor creating, influencing, and maintaining motivational peaks, focused engagement, and high productivity levels is the relationship the employee has with their manager/ team leader. The focal point of this program is to help employees at all levels to recognize and utilize their leadership potential. Whether you are a new or seasoned leader, this program will help you:
- Learn the 5 Levels of Leadership for building solid and trusting relationships with your team and co-workers for improved communication, higher productivity, and engagement.
- To invest in your team, develop their skills, and inspire them to become leaders in their own right.
- Master skills to create and maintain positive momentum.
- Learn to utilize praise and appreciation more effectively.
- Recognize that the quality of communication and leadership is the single most significant factor in an organization’s long-term success.
Speak and Present with Confidence & Power
What is one thing people fear more than death? Public speaking! However, the people who enjoy great success are typically good communicators. The ability to stand up and speak effectively in front of a group of people, whether large or small, is a valuable skill you can master. Whether you’re a senior executive, business owner or manager, or anyone who wants to improve your presentation skills, this course is for you.
In this session, you’ll learn and practice skills and proven strategies for designing your presentation, easing your anxiety, and present yourself with unshakeable confidence.
You will learn:
- Establish rapport with your audience by projecting confidence.
- Implement 3 strategies to reduce nervousness and fear.
- Learn the 8 professional steps for designing, preparing, and organizing your presentation.
- Recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention.
- Develop techniques to create a professional presence.
Analytical & Intuitive Problem Solving
In this powerful, informative training, you will learn the analytical & intuitive processes for effectively solving personal and professional problems with grace and ease. Learn to identify the problem and solution correctly. Apply strategies for team brainstorming and sit down with others for cooperative resolutions. Also, learn to analyze your dream content for intuitive insights and stimulating creativity.
You will learn:
- The Top 9 Characteristics of Good Problem Solvers & Decision Makers.
- The 7 Step Analytical Problem Solving Process.
- The Top 6 Rules for Brainstorming with Your Team.
- Understanding the “OODA LOOP” for Decision Making.
- The 6 Steps for Cooperative Resolution.
- Psychological Dreams & Problem Solving.
Phone-da-Mentals – Mastering Professional Telephone Skills
Over 92% of customer interactions occur over the phone. More than 95% of first-time business is lost because the caller did not like the sound of your voice or your initial greeting. Factually, your phone is a “Branding Device” that enhances or destroys your reputation and your company’s credibility. Polished telephone skills are crucial for anyone in the business arena.
You will learn:
- How to create instant rapport with all callers.
- Dealing with angry customers and handling complaints.
- What are the Top 5 Vocal Turn-Offs and the Top 4 Vocal Priorities?
- What are the 3 E’s of Professional Telephone Courtesy?
- How to “Be the Brand” on a call.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Here is an incredible training for anyone interested in enhancing their professional or personal success levels. Based on the best-selling book by the great Stephen Covey, we will explore the 7 habits utilized by some of the most influential and successful people on earth. Whether or not you’ve read the book, this content-rich program will discuss all of Covey’s research and show you how to incorporate it into your personal or professional life.
You will learn:
- How to develop “proactivity”.
- The importance of beginning with the end in mind.
- How to put first things first in your life.
- Understand the concept of “Win-Win”.
- Seek first to understand before being understood.
- Synergize for enhanced success levels.
- How to sharpen the saw.
The Goals & Vision Mastery Course
Did you ever wonder why so many people struggle and the bottom of the success ladder is extremely crowded? One reason is that over 90% of the American population does not have clearly defined goals. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Goal setting and achievement is the most vital skill of all top-ranking companies, businesses, high achievers, peak performers, and self-motivators. Many studies reveal that people who pursue worthwhile goals, on average, are happier, healthier, have more energy, and live longer. Goals are not just for the New Year.
You will learn:
- Top 5 reasons people do not set goals.
- How to I.S.I.O.N.
- Master the 12 Step goal achievement formula.
- How to keep yourself motivated.
- Why the time to start is NOW!
“Selling Smarter – The Sale is all in Your Head”
Research in the art of selling clearly concludes that the attitude by which you approach the sale will determine its outcome more than any other element of the selling process. Top producers understand a “behind the scenes” or “mental aspect” for building trust and rapport with prospects long before a contract is signed. This content-rich workshop will discuss the following exciting topics.
You will learn:
- Creating rapport with prospects and nurturing the relationship for increased profits.
- How your body language plays a significant role in your sales presentation.
- How to make a great first and second impression.
- Why it’s wiser to earn a slow nickel than a fast dime.
- Creating loyalty with existing customers.
- The Chart of Consumer Evolution.
- The 6 Ultimate Objectives of every Client Interaction.
Business Professionalism & Career Acceleration
Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center concluded that over 85% of your job and career success comes from well-developed professional skills. Employees with highly-developed professional skills climb the success ladder six times faster than those who do not. They also enjoy more frequent promotions and salary increases. By developing your professional skills, you can accelerate your career.
You will learn:
- How to make a great 1st & 2nd impression.
- Handshake etiquette for building trust and rapport.
- How to develop your “Charisma Quotient.”
- The power of remembering names and faces.
- Professional skills at a meeting.
- The 20 strategies for impeccable workplace behaviors and career advancement.
Platinum Level Email Etiquette
Email etiquette refers to the code of conduct guiding behavior when writing or responding to emails. Regardless of where you are in your career, using best practices for email etiquette allows you to communicate clearly and make a positive impression on potential employers, business contacts, and customers. In this workshop, we discuss why email etiquette is so important. We will also share many of the best practices for email etiquette in the workplace for your success.
You will Learn:
- How to effectively communicate through emails.
- Skills for creating a compelling subject line.
- How to increase your chances by 92% that your email is read instead of skimmed.
- What to do if you inadvertently send a bad email.
- When to “bail” on email.
- The 5 Step “No-Fail Email Strategy.
Strategies for Building a Dream Team
Presented by John Eric Jacobsen
Did you know that one of the vital elements of a thriving workplace is team building and bonding? Unfortunately, 69% of leaders, managers and supervisors are uncomfortable communicating with employees, making the art of team building extremely difficult. In this workshop, we will discuss the vital role that team building plays in the workplace and how it can lead to more success as an organization.
You will Learn:
- The top 3 chronic issues facing most teams and how to fix them.
- Understand the 4 different communication styles for improving daily interactions.
- Learn the 4 levels of engagement for team building and bonding.
- How to communicate a compelling vision to your team.
- How a sense of belonging creates a strong and collaborative team bond.
The Power of Influence, Persuasion & Motivation
Presented by John Eric Jacobsen
The ability to influence and persuade the mind, thoughts, and actions of another human being is a crucial tool that all leaders must master. It will serve you in your professional life when dealing or negotiating with co-workers, team members, and customers. It will also support your personal life when dealing with loved ones, friends, or neighbors. The most successful people on the planet have mastered these skills and utilize them as a critical distinction between ordinary and extraordinary leadership and management abilities.
You will learn:
- How to create the required rapport for effective influence and persuasion.
- The 4 Horsemen – What makes people say “Yes?”
- The 6 Universal that directly guides human behavior.
- How your communication, body language, and attitude directly affect your skills.
- The 8 forms of power utilized in negotiations.
- The power of “flinching.”
Resilience in the Workplace
Presented by Michelle E. Dickinson, MM
Resilience is an important skill that can protect us from various mental health challenges and can help us positively cope with stress. Reducing our stress lowers rates of depression and ultimately increases our quality of life. In this course, you will reconnect to the power of your mind. You will learn practical, tangible tools and strategies that you can apply to your daily routine to recenter yourself and preserve your emotional well-being. You will also learn how to safely support direct reports, peers, and family members if you sense they may be struggling. You will ultimately be left empowered around your well-being with ways that you can restore joy in your life by applying simple daily micro changes.
What You Will Learn:
- How your daily routine is impacting your emotional well-being.
- Tangible, daily, micro changes that can empower you and restore joy.
- The true power of meditation and gratitude.
- How to safely support your peers, staff, and family members.
Transitioning from Team Player to Team Leader
Presented by John Eric Jacobsen
The managerial and supervisory graveyard is overflowing with people who should not have been
promoted to those roles. Over 60% of new managers and supervisors crash and burn within the
first 24 months. Why? They’re too busy with administrative or technical work like planning,
assigning, and directing while ignoring the ―people part‖ of the job. This is destructive to the
team and the organization.
The most successful leaders are exceptional at building relationships, fostering trust, and keeping
their teams engaged. Transitioning from peer to leader can be daunting, yet with the proper
people skills, the entire process can become an incredible adventure for you and your new team.
Key learning points:
- Discover how to build the required credibility with your team.
- Learn how to establish trust, rapport and gain respect.
- Strategies for supervising friends and former co-workers.
- Keep engagement high through proper-open communication.
- The Golden Rules for communicating instructions.
- The 3 Rs of Motivation.
- Strategies to enhance your success and longevity.
- The 6 rules for maintaining team member engagement.
Coaching and Feedback Skills for Leaders
By John Eric Jacobsen
Employees are hungry for feedback and coaching from their leaders, managers, and peers. They want to gain insights for advancing their abilities and future potential. Over 85-95% of managerial, supervisory, and leadership roles require providing feedback and coaching. These skills are the keys to excellence, increasing engagement and morale. In this world, the best path to an exceptional employee experience and greater productivity is for employees to have a coach, not a boss. Key learning points….
- How feedback and coaching build morale, increases productivity and engagement.
- Learn the ―FAST Feedback‖ model for more approachable and meaningful exchanges.
- The 6-step coaching and communication model.
- The top 5 qualities of a great coach and how to capitalize on them.
- Essential coaching rules for open communication.
- Become more confident and comfortable in your coaching and feedback sessions.
- Keys to determine if a coaching session has been successful.
Self-Esteem, Assertiveness and Peak Performance
By John Eric Jacobsen
Power is defined as the ability to get things done. Peak performance and high success levels are a by-product of power. The intensity of your power is either strengthened or diminished by your self-esteem and assertivity.
People with low self-esteem often struggle to be assertive, possibly because they don’t feel they deserve to be listened to. However, learning to be assertive and being able to share your views with others can help improve your self-esteem. Once you can see other people value your views, you can see it yourself.
Your ability to speak out when necessary, stand up for yourself and others, and claim what is rightfully yours is a chief determinant of life’s success. They are also prerequisites to your personal and professional productivity.
Key learning points:
- To understand the incredible power assertiveness & self-esteem have over your performance levels.
- Implement objective and mental strategies to enhance assertiveness and self-esteem in your personal and professional life.
- Master the power of affirmations to create positive change.
- Learn your assertiveness “Bill of Rights.”
- Compete only with yourself and stop comparing yourself to others.
- Learn to live in the present and surround yourself with a support squad.
Special Note – This course’s strategies apply to your professional or personal life.
Mastering Work-Life Harmony
By John Eric Jacobsen
More than 90% of working Americans are unhappy with their work-life circumstances. Improper balance can create job dissatisfaction, burnout, disengagement, and depression.
Having a balance between your work and home life can be a challenge. However, with this challenge come great rewards once the balance is achieved.
Balancing a career and personal life will provide benefits in each environment. You will become mentally and physically healthier and notice a dramatic increase in your productivity.
This workshop will show how to focus on the essential things with effective prioritizing. You’ll set achievable goals and communicate better with your work peers and family at home.
Key learning points:
- The detrimental effects of an off-balance personal and business life.
- Harness your physical, emotional, and mental energy, and learn how these contribute to a sense of work-life balance.
- The Top 10 Principles for achieving balance in all areas.
- The importance of gratitude.
- Tips for enjoying your job and eliminating burnout.
- Learning to ask for support.
- Stop complaining and change your perspective.
- Giving your workspace a face-lift.
Special Note – This course’s strategies apply to your professional or personal life.
Enhancing Your Creativity & Innovation
By John Eric Jacobsen
Creative and innovative thinking is a quality that many businesses and organizations highly value and generously reward. Sadly, many believe that “creativity” and “out-of-the-box thinking” is reserved for the talented few, such as artists, poets, inventors, and scientists.
Truthfully, we all have much more innovative and creative potential than we are using. The secret to unleashing it is overcoming the mental roadblocks established by years of old-fashioned traditional thinking.
Key learning points:
- Learn how to generate new ideas when you need them.
- Stimulate creativity and problem-solving ideas from your team.
- Quickly circumvent mental roadblocks.
- Recognize and avoid the most common thinking traps.
- Putting your new ideas into creative action with successful results.
- The 6-step Disney approach for generating creative flashes of insight.
- Fostering a creative work environment.
- How to stimulate your creativity with the “What if?” perspective.
Special Note – This course’s strategies apply to your professional or personal life.
PC Courses
This class will introduce participants to the basic operations of Microsoft Word at the beginning level. Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Create a document
- Enter text into a document and save a document
- Examine a document’s properties and print a document
- Close a file
- Edit a document
- Reopen a file
- Move the insertion point within a document and select text
- Insert text into a document and delete text from a document
- Find text in a document
- Find and replace text in a document, and move a text block
- Display a document in full-screen mode
- Apply attributes to text, apply a new font, and font size to text
- Indent a paragraph and format existing text
- Reset line and paragraph spacing in a document
- Reset the margins of a document
- Set and clear tab stops in a document
- Create a bulleted/numbered list
- Insert a hard page break and create a multiple-page document
- Use the spelling and grammar checker, and use the thesaurus
- Use a Word template to create a document
- Print an envelope and a label
- Preview and save a document as a web page
- Insert symbols and special characters into a document
- Find and replace formatting
- Add special effects to text
This class will introduce participants to the basic operations of Microsoft Word at the beginning level and introduce participants to additional operations of Microsoft Word. Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Enter hidden text into a document
- Adjust character spacing in a document
- Create a multiple-section document
- Reveal and clear formatting in a document
- Insert a table in a document
- Format a table
- Insert and delete rows/columns in a table
- Convert text to a table
- Create parallel columns in a document
- Create newsletter-style columns in a document
- Insert a chart into a document
- Insert a diagram into a document
- Use styles
- Set up an outline document
- Produce a report
- Add a border and shade to text
- Add a header/footer to a document
- Add page numbers to a document
- Print specific pages of a document
- Insert a picture into a document
- Insert a hyperlink into a document
- Split the document window/open a new document window
This class will introduce students to MS Excel basics including creating spreadsheets, formulas, functions, text, formatting, and graphics. Students will be able to perform basic (introductory) level Excel skills such as modifying an existing worksheet, building worksheets, copying and moving cells, etc. Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Use the Excel menu system and Excel toolbars
- Use Excel task panes
- Display help information
- Modify an existing worksheet
- Move the cell pointer and change data in a worksheet
- Reverse an edit operation and save a workbook
- Add data to a worksheet
- Enter a formula into a worksheet
- Adjust column width in a worksheet
- Adjust row height in a worksheet
- Build a new worksheet
- Edit a worksheet
- Format a worksheet
- Change the page setup for a worksheet
- Insert a manual page break into a worksheet, including print titles in a printout
- Use Basic Excel functions, i.e., Sum, Average and Count
This class will reinforce the elements introduced in Excel Level I and expand upon that base to include more complex but necessary activities such as functions, charts, linking worksheets, adding pictures, and more.
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Find a specific entry in a worksheet
- Use options in the paste special dialog box
- Use alignment options in the format cells dialog box
- Use and understand absolute cell references
- Use and understand logical functions
- Use and understand financial functions
- Use and understand date/time functions
- Create a chart
- Modify and enhance a chart
- Work with a list, including sorting the records and specifying a range of values
- Link worksheets within a workbook
- Split the workbook window into panes and freezing window panes
- Hide rows and columns of a worksheet
- Add pictures and diagrams to worksheets
- Use an Excel template to create a workbook
- Insert a hyperlink into a worksheet using the research feature
- Insert comments into a worksheet
- Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks Simultaneously
- Use 3-D References
- Use Links and External References
- Consolidate Data
- Sharing and Protecting Workbooks
- Collaborate on a Workbook
- Protect Worksheets and Workbooks
- Automating Workbook Functionality
- Apply Data Validation
- Work with Forms and Controls
- Work with Macros
- Applying Conditional Logic
- Use Lookup Functions
- Combine Functions
- Use Formulas and Functions to Apply Conditional Formatting
- Auditing Worksheets
- Trace Cells
- Search for Invalid Data and Formulas with Errors
- Watch and Evaluate Formulas
- Using Automated Analysis Tools
- Determine Potential Outcomes Using Data Tables
- Determine Potential Outcomes Using Scenarios
- Use the Goal Seek Feature
- Activate and Use the Solver Tool
- Analyze Data with Analysis ToolPak Tools
- Presenting Your Data Visually
- Use Advanced Chart Features
- Create Sparklines
- Getting started
- The PowerPoint window
- Getting help
- New presentations
- Creating new presentations
- Saving presentations
- Rearranging and deleting slides
- Using slides from other presentations
- Formatting slides
- Text formatting
- Modifying text
- Paragraph formatting
- Drawing objects
- Shapes
- Modifying objects
- Text in objects
- Graphics
- WordArt
- Pictures
- Clip art
- Tables and charts
- Tables
- Charts
- Diagrams
- Modifying presentations
- Templates and themes
- Slide masters
- Transitions and timings
- Speaker notes
- Setting up slide shows
- Proofing and delivering presentations
- Proofing presentations
- Running presentations
- Printing presentations
- Custom presentation options
- Application settings
- Custom themes
- Custom templates
- Advanced slide master techniques
- Graphic and multimedia content
- Modifying clip art
- Media clips
- Animations
- Photo albums
- Customizing SmartArt graphics and tables
- Customizing SmartArt graphics
- Customizing tables
- Action buttons and custom slide shows
- Interactive elements
- Custom slide shows
- Distributing a presentation
- Comments
- Finishing a presentation
- Distributing a presentation
- Publish as a Web page
- Integrating Microsoft Office files
- Build slides from a Word outline
- Embed and link content
- Documents linked with hyperlinks
- Navigate within the Microsoft Access application environment, create a simple database, and customize Access configuration options.
- Organize and manage data stored within Access tables.
- Use queries to join, sort, and filter data from different tables.
- Use forms to make it easier to view, access, and input data.
- Create and format custom reports.
This class is for non-computer users seeking to gain a basic understanding of the PC components and operations in the Microsoft Windows environment including proper start-up and shut-down of Windows operating system, running application programs, managing and organizing files and folders, and printing. Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Perform standard mouse procedures
- Understand the Desktop Layout
- Understand how to use the keyboard
- Use the taskbar
- Restart, shut down, log off, and switch users
- Create and delete shortcuts
- Open and close a window
- Minimize, maximize, and restore
- Move, size and switch between windows
- Create a new folder
- Rename a folder
- Open a folder or file
- Move files using drag and drop
- Delete a folder or file
- Copy, cut, and paste a file or folder
- Use Computer to browse files and folders
- Empty the Recycle Bin
- Restore a file or folder from the Recycle Bin
- Open and navigate Help and Support
- Install and delete a program
This class will introduce participants to the proper use of e-mail as a job related tool including sending clear messages, receiving, replying and deleting messages, disposing of junk mail, and sending and opening file attachments. Upon completion of the training student will be able to:
- Describe types of e-mail accounts
- Create and change an e-mail Account
- Open, print, and edit messages
- Open and save attachments
- Reply, forward, and resend mail
- Delete messages
- Organize messages
- Manage “junk” mail
- Use the address book
- Insert attachments
- Send and open attachments
- Insert hyperlinks
- Use the Drafts folder
- Use Outlook’s Calendar
- Create a new appointment
- Manage appointment options
- Customize how you view your calendar
- Create a contact
- Create a distribution lists
- Understand editing tasks
- Customize how you view Tasks
- Create and edit Notes
- Understand Note options
- Set Journal options
- Create and edit a Journal entry
- Customize Journal views
- Understand the dangers of viruses
- Apply proper business e-mail behavior
English as a Second Language (ESL) Level I (40 hours)
This program is designed for students who are literate in their native tongues and have some fluency in using the Roman alphabet to associate sounds with symbols. They are typically unable to formulate complete sentences in English. They are also knowledgeable of individual words or phrases but unable to express basic thoughts.
Upon successful completion of the training in each level the student/participant will be able to: Understand basic vocabulary and everyday language functions such as greetings and instructions, requesting and giving information, expressing likes and dislikes, apologizing, and understanding basic American society functions.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Level II (40 hours)
This program is designed for students who are somewhat able to communicate ideas in writing, but need improvement to basic writing style and grammar, and understanding the verb system or word order. They have a minimal ability to convey ideas in writing and speaking, but may understand more than they can express. Write simple texts on personal topics, speak in complete sentences and demonstrate improved listening skills and pronunciation.
Spanish For the Workplace I (40 hours)
This program provides language training specifically for the workplace that focuses on giving you the specific commands, questions, and phrases you need on the job, as well as better cross-cultural awareness. Spanish For The Workplace improves communication in the work environment by minimizing or removing language barriers. Other benefits include increased safety, better employee job performance, and better service to customers
This course can be delivered on-site as well as in our classrooms and can be customized to fit the needs of your organization.
Spanish for the Workplace II (16 hours)
This course is a continuation of Spanish for the Workplace I providing a deeper understanding of topics covered in level I.
Math and Measurement
This course is designed to assess the math skills of the participant, develop, and deliver a prescriptive plan for the participant to progress as far as his or her ability will permit towards the basic and practical math and measurement requirements of the workplace. The course includes basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and measurements. Upon completion of the training, students will be able to:
- Use math to solve workplace problems
- Develop the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers
- Develop the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and fractions
- Understand the need for accuracy in counting and completing work related documents
This course is designed to assess the math skills of the participant, develop and deliver a prescriptive plan for the participant to progress as far as his or her ability will permit towards the basic measurement requirements of the workplace. The course includes basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and measurements to include the use of standard measurement devices. Upon completion of the measurements training students will be able to:
- Understand the need for accuracy and demonstrate an ability to perform common measurements in business settings
- Use math to solve workplace problems
- Develop the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers
- Develop the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and fractions
- Demonstrate the proper use of standard workplace measurement devices