Marketing and Media Certificates


Advertising & Outreach Specialist

It’s not all DIY in today’s digital marketing arena; most companies, even the smallest, employ some form of professional advertising, print as well as digital, to boost product awareness. By teaching you to use pro tricks such as market research, consumer motive analysis, and project management to create advertising that works, our class ensures you’ll get the message across!

Online self-paced
Fee: $1,295
Visit for more info and to register.

Achieving Top Search Engine Positions

Studies show more than half of a website’s traffic and 40 percent of its revenue comes from search engines, and that users rarely read beyond the first five results. The best way to increase a website’s traffic is to improve its search engine ranking by understanding the art and science of search engine optimization (SEO). Why wait? Discover, in this self-paced program, the step-by-step strategies that can boost your site’s visibility and profits starting today?

Online self-paced
Fee: $135

Visit for more info and to register.

Digital Marketing Suite

Sure, you know building an online identity is crucial today to selling your product or service. And in our practical, hands-on course, you’ll discover the proven methods, from email marketing to search engine optimization (SEO), of strengthening your Web presence and keeping visitors coming back for more—and more!

Online self-paced
Fee: $365

Visit for more info and to register.

Digital Marketing Strategist

With more shopping than ever done online, it’s no wonder digital marketing is one of today’s hottest job categories. Like to get in on the action? In our comprehensive program, you’ll learn, step by step, to take advantage of tools from direct marketing to Google AdWords, to integrate digital, social, and content marketing verticals to build a complete successful campaign and in the bargain, set yourself up for career success. 400 hours.

Online self-paced
Fee: $3,865
Visit for more info and to register.


Managing Social Media Platforms Certificate

Finally! Get a handle in Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and their distinct uses, as well as practical tips for seamlessly integrating each into your communications and/or marketing strategy. Highly recommended for entrepreneurs, job hunters, and anyone else seeking to boost their social media smarts.

Online self-paced
Fee: $495. Visit: for more information and to register.

Digital Marketing Certificate

Get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your web site traffic, doing search engine optimization, and how to successfully employ online advertising. Relevant for any type of organization, including businesses, companies, non-profits, and government agencies. No eMarketing experience or expertise is necessary. If you are already at an advanced level, your instructors are experts, and can provide the latest most advanced information and answer your toughest questions.

Online self-paced
Certificate $495. Classes start monthly.  Register at

Social Media for Business Certificate

Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market, and serve your customers and clients. For businesses, nonprofits, government, and other organizations. From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks, how these specific social networks work, and the possible uses for your organization.

Learn how social networks are used to develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization. Then find out what you can be doing, and take back a plan to integrate social networks into your communications and marketing. Whether you are new to social networks or already involved, you will come away with both an understanding of social networks and practical how-to techniques to integrate social networks into your organization or business. Your instructors are outstanding practitioners who also speak, write, and train others on social networks.

Online self-paced
Certificate $495. Classes start monthly. Register at

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Carroll 732-224-2380

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