Drug Screen and Criminal History Background Check


Drug Screen

Clinical agencies may require evidence of a negative drug screening before the start of the clinical experience and annually while in the program. You will be notified if the agency requires this and given the information to obtain drug screening before starting clinical.

  1. These screenings are conducted by the external vendor, and the information is sent to the College and the clinical agency.
  2. Agency personnel will evaluate the information they receive and, in their sole discretion, make the final determination as to each student’s ability to engage in patient care in their agency.
  3. If a student is denied clinical placement by any clinical agency due to drug screening test results, the student will be dismissed from the program. As a result, the student will not be able to complete the requirements of the program.
  4. Regardless of the legalization of marijuana by the New Jersey state government, marijuana remains illegal under federal laws which Brookdale must comply with, and as such, its possession, use and/or sale is prohibited at all Brookdale locations.


Criminal History Background Check

Clinical agencies mandate criminal history background checks for all individuals engaged in patient care, and all students must undergo criminal history background checks.

  1. An external vendor conducts these checks and sends the information to the College and to the clinical agencies. Agency personnel will evaluate the information they receive and, in their sole discretion, make the final determination as to each student’s ability to continue to engage in patient care in their agency.
  2. If a student is denied clinical placement by any clinical agency due to criminal history information, that student will be dismissed from the program. As a result, the student will not be able to complete the requirements of the program. The Criminal History Background package includes:

CastleBranch is the current vendor background screening and compliance tracking services. Students will receive instructions about establishing contact with CastleBranch shortly before beginning the program.