
The Business Department maintains transfer agreements with upper-level institutions through Brookdale’s Transfer Resources Office.

They include:


Brookdale–Rutgers Honors Program

Transfer Agreement for Business Majors

Brookdale Honors Program graduates of the A.A. / A.S. Business Administration program are guaranteed admission to the Rutgers School of Business in New Brunswick upon graduation from the Honors Program with a 3.5 GPA or higher and completion of the Rutgers Business School entrance requirements.

In addition to guaranteed admissions, students may take an introductory level business course at Rutgers University during their fourth or final semester at Brookdale, if they have completed the Rutgers eligibility requirements the semester prior.

The Brookdale courses students must complete to satisfy the Rutgers Business School entrance requirements include:


Dual Admissions Program

The Business program at Brookdale participates in Dual Admissions Programs with both Georgian Court University and New Jersey City University. Students can be admitted simultaneously to Brookdale and Georgian Court, or Brookdale and New Jersey City University, or enroll in either of the Dual Admissions Programs any time prior to their last semester at Brookdale. The program ensures qualified students admission to the specified Georgian Court and New Jersey University Bachelor’s Degree programs.