Abdul Rahman Kamara 732-224-2157

Gabriela Sprague 732-224-1907

Student Life & Activities

Third Tuesday of each month, 11:45am – 1:15pm, in MAS 100

Statement of Purpose
The primary objective of the Brookdale Math Club is to foster a community of students around a common interest in mathematics. Club members will have opportunities to apply and improve math skills by participating in math competitions and learning circles. Members will also be able to engage with colleagues in the discipline by attending math conferences and will participate in social gatherings aimed at advancing interactions with their cohort.

The Brookdale Math Club members will learn about interesting careers in math related fields and engage in activities that promote the appreciation and pursuit of mathematics.

The goal at most meetings is to learn about some area of math that you would not typically see in your Brookdale coursework.  Topics have included:

Club Constitution