Science Mondays

Science Mondays is a collaborative effort between Brookdale Community College and the Jersey Shore Chapter of the NJ Sierra Club. Its mission is to provide a platform for faculty, students and community members to discuss environmental issues. Meetings take place the fourth Monday of the month throughout the school year. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Dates: January 27th, February 24th, March 24th and April 28th
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Twin Lights Rooms, Student Life Center (SLC), Brookdale Community College, Parking in Lot #7 is most convenient.
Meetings are free and open to the public. Light refreshments at 6:30 PM.

New Jersey’s Fungal Biodiversity

January 27th at 6:45pm

Speaker: Jason Hafstad, Preserve Manager, NJ Natural Lands Trust and Trustee, NJ Mycological Association.

New Jersey’s fungi are often overlooked when thinking about our state’s rich biodiversity. Come discover why fungi are as deserving of our awareness and protection as plants and animals. Citizen Scientists take note: the lecture will include information on how to contribute to fungal conservation in New Jersey.

Jason Hafstad is the Preserve Manager and Ecologist for the NJ Natural Lands Trust. He is responsible for overseeing more than 100 nature preserves across the state, totaling approximately 30,000 acres. Earlier in his career, Mr. Hafstad worked as a botanist for the Endangered & Threatened Species Unit of the NJDEP, where he reviewed wetland permit applications for impacts to rare plant species. Outside of work he enjoys documenting NJ’s under-appreciated elements of our natural heritage such as a vascular plants, lichens, mushrooms, mosses, liverworts, and slime molds, Mr. Hafstad also serves as a Trustee for the NJ Mycological Association.

*Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Lecture begins at 6:45 p.m.

Getting Your Feet Wet in Stream Monitoring: How you can help keep streams healthy

February 24th at 6:45 p.m.

Speaker: Davis Bush, StreamWatch Schools Coordinator, The Watershed Institute

Students and residents throughout New Jersy can help keep our streams and rivers healthy by participanting in a statewide water quality monitoring program called StreamWatch Schools. Davis Bush will describe the importance of the program and provide details on how to collect water samples, test water quality, submit data, and access data submitted by others. He will also discuss how, through land conservation, green infrastructure, and the use of native plants, we can help protect our streams from pollution and stormwater runoff.

Davis Bush studied marine science and sustainability at Stony Brook University. He is passionate about empowering young people to fight for the social changes that are important to them. As the Coordinator of StreamWatch Schools, which is housed in the education department of The Watershed Institute, Mr. Bush provides students with the tools and platform they need to take action.

*Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Lecture begins at 6:45 p.m.

Climate Change and New Jersey’s Wildlife

March 24th at 6:45 p.m.

Speaker: Marc Rogoff, Environmental Education Specialist, NJDEP

Climate change continues to impact New Jersey’s wildlife and wildlife habitats. This program will examine the relationship between climate change and wildlife, with a special emphasis on the critical role water plays in habitats. Water conservation and best practices to protect water sources will also be explored.

Marc Rogoff has been an environmental educator throughout his career. He has worked as a Park Ranger (Upper Delaware River), Planetarium Producer & Educator (Hudson River Museum), and environmental educator and advisor (Natural Wildlife Federation, Alliance for NJ Environmental Education). He currently works as an Environmental Education Specialist for the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. In this role, he collaborates with schools and teachers to promote environmental and resource educational program development. Mr. Rogoff was recently appointed to the US EPA’s National Environmental Education Advisory Council.

*Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Lecture begins at 6:45 p.m.

Birdy Jerz: Birding in the Garden State

April 28th at 6:45 p.m.

Speaker: Lindsay McNamara, MA, Public and Organizational Relations

Lindsay McNamara, an experienced naturalists and bird lover, will describe great spots for birding in New Jersey. She will identify characteristics that make a location bird-friendly, and explain why different habitats attract different species. Drawing on her experience in bird-banding research, Ms. McNamara also will explain how concerned citizens are using science to learn about, monitor and protect birds.

Lindsay McNamara has worked in conservation and environmental nonprofit communications and development for over a decade. She holds a B.A. in Enviromental Studies and an M.A. in Public and Organizational Relations. Lindsay has been birding since she was nine years old, and her favorite bird is the one she’s looking at. Ms. McNamara has been leading bird walks since 2018 and is always looking to engage new birders in her lifelong passion. You can join her on her monthly bird walks through her new LLC Beachy Birder Adventures (@beachybirder).

*Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Lecture begins at 6:45 p.m.

DIRECTIONS to Science Mondays

Twin Lights Rooms, Student Life Center, Brookdale Community College

Note: If you or someone with you needs Handicap Parking, continue driving past Parking Lot 7, turn right into small lot before the last building at the roundabout. There will be some Handicap Parking spaces there.

Campus Map


Campus Contacts:

Pat Dillion (Pat)


Tim Macaluso (Tim)