Brookdale offers the following degrees and certificates in Culinary Arts; click on any degree to read more in our online catalog.

Culinary Arts Program, A.A.S.

This program is for the highly motivated career-oriented person who desires to work in a restaurant or other food service establishment as a professional chef. This fast-track, nationally accredited training program combines general education studies, career courses and hands-on professional food preparation. Employment opportunities exist in supervisory/chef positions in restaurants, hotels and clubs, food preparation, food catering services, and institutional food services in schools, colleges, hospitals, nursing homes, and business establishment facilities. Prospective students must take the College Placement Test prior to entering the program.

Upon graduation students are eligible to receive the Certified Culinarian certification from the ACF.

Culinary Courses run in three-week blocks each semester. Classes are conducted Monday through Thursday, allowing the student the weekend to pursue job opportunities in the field. Challenging externship experiences will be custom-matched to the student’s individual career goals. Students have been successfully placed in local restaurants, clubs and hotels as well as in Atlantic City, New York City and in exciting externships at Disney World and other locations internationally.

Students must successfully pass the SERV-SAFE sanitation examination to receive the degree.

Link to prerequisites and requirements

Pastry Arts Academic Credit Certificate

This option is designed for the culinary student who wants to pursue a career in pastry arts. This program consists of a select 32 credits that would benefit the individual who wants to develop their pastry skills into more advanced and elaborate patisserie, cakes, confections, and decorating. The student must pass the SERV-SAFE sanitation examination to receive the certificate.

Upon graduation students are eligible to receive the Certified Pastry Culinarian certification from the ACF.

CULA AAS students only require 4 more classes to receive the Pastry Arts Certificate along with their degree.

Link to prerequisites and requirements

Culinary Arts Academic Credit Certificate

This condensed program of study provides the student with skills needed to perform a variety of basic food preparation activities required by the entry-level culinary position. The student must successfully pass the SERV-SAFE sanitation examination to receive the certificate. Most credits earned may be applied to the A.A.S. degree.

Link to prerequisites and requirements