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I. Title of Regulation

2.0007R Naming Rights Regulation

II. Objective of Regulation

The purpose of this Regulation is to establish the criteria and procedures for granting naming rights in relation to Brookdale Community College (College) and recognizes the financial contributions by an individual or entity.  The aim of this Regulation is to foster an environment for entering into naming rights with third parties which are mutually beneficial to the parties and is conducted in a manner that is consistent with applicable Policies set by the College and/or the Brookdale Community College Foundation (College Foundation).

III. Authority

N.J.S.A 18A:64A-12, Board Policy 2.0001 Naming Rights

IV. Regulation Statement

Naming opportunities exist to recognize the dedication, accomplishment and/or generosity of extraordinary individuals and entities whose support is valuable to Brookdale Community College.  This Regulation establishes definitions, minimum standards, and general procedures to guide staff and donors in discussing naming opportunities and recommending of such naming opportunities to the College’s Board of Trustees. The naming of property and programs at Brookdale Community College must always align with the College’s Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Priorities and in certain situations are to be approved by the Board of Trustees.


  1. “Gift” means a voluntary, philanthropic, and irrevocable transfer of assets received from another without interest in influencing decision-making at Brookdale Community College. A gift may be made through a number of vehicles, including but not limited to cash, stock, estates, trusts, in-kind, and real estate.
  2. “Institution” and “College” means Brookdale Community College.
  3. “Naming” means the conferral of an individual’s or organization’s name to a building, room, or another initiative or property to honor the philanthropic and/or distinguished contributions of an individual or organization.
  4. “Naming Rights” means a mutually beneficial, contractual agreement that reflects the business arrangement for the exchange of commercial and/or marketing benefits between the College, the College Foundation and/or a third party for a specified period of time. Such agreement shall be a written contract evidencing the right to name or re-name College owned, leased or controlled property, facility or programs that contains terms acceptable to the College.  In most cases, indemnification and termination clauses would be required as part of the agreement. All such agreements are to be reviewed by College Counsel prior to finalization to ensure the College’s legal interests are protected.

Procedures and Responsibilities.

Types of Naming:

Naming Opportunities and Criteria:



V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Vice President of Advancement

Approved: President, 4/20/2022