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I. Title of Regulation
Travel, Mileage, and Other Reimbursable Expenses
II. Objective of Regulation
To set forth regulations by which reimbursement of expenses is made to persons incurring such expenses in the normal course of College business.
III. Authority
N.J.S. 18A;64A-12; Board Policy 4.3000
IV. Regulation Statement
It is the policy of the College to reimburse its employees and other non-college personnel for certain expenses incurred in conjunction with Regulations as are necessary to properly delineate and control such expenses.
A. Definitions
1. College staff are defined as personnel who receive regular and continuous compensation from the College.
2. Non-college personnel are defined as members of the Board of Trustees, visitors and guests of the College, consultants, advisors, and other noncollege employees who incur expenses as a result of work performed for the College.
The following will prevail:
A. General
1. This regulation will govern all Board Members, the President, Administrative Officers, and other personnel employed by the College; it will also govern any other travel vouchers submitted to the College for reimbursement.
2. Compliance with this regulation is the responsibility of the individual and his/her supervisor. The College reserves the right to review and authorize the payment of all travel claims.
3. Persons traveling on official business are expected to exercise the same care while incurring expenses that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business.
4. All travel incurred in the normal execution of one’s job description must be authorized by the appropriate College Officer prior to its execution. Additionally, sufficient budgeted funds must be available and all requests for overnight travel must be approved by the President prior to the trip.
5. The use of credit cards issued in the name of the College will be authorized only by the President. Detailed sales slips from other credit cards are accepted as evidence of payment by the individual if supported by the College approved travel and expense forms. Credit card receipts will not be considered as valid support for lodging expenses.
6. All forms referenced throughout this regulation can be found on the Accounts Payable website.
B. Non-College Personnel
1. Actual travel expenses of non-college personnel who are called upon to contribute time and services may be authorized by the appropriate College Officer. Standard College forms are required to claim reimbursement and receipts must be furnished as required by this regulation, or payment will not be allocated for that expense. Non-college personnel are not eligible for travel advances.
C. Request for Cash Advance
1. Normally, all travelers on official College business are expected to provide for themselves funds to cover their expenses.
2. A Request for Travel Approval is required of all College employees even if advance funds are not requested.
3. Any persons requesting an advance must submit a Request for Travel Approval to the Accounts Payable Department at least 15 working days prior to departure date. All cash advances must be approved by the appropriate College Officer and the President.
4. Requests for transportation (excluding personal vehicle expenses) and registration expenses will be advanced at 100%, while daily lodging and meal allowances will be limited to 75% of the applicable per diem. Sufficient budget funds must be available in order to receive approval. Upon traveler’s return, a final accounting of the actual expenses incurred, plus required receipts, will be submitted to the Accounts Payable Department on a Travel Expense Report. Travel expense reports are due in Accounting within 10 working days after the return date.
D. Use of Travel Expense Report
1. The expenses of a traveler will be reported and claimed on the Travel Expense Report. Only one traveler’s expenses will be accepted per form. This form must be completed by all individuals that receive an advance or are requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred.
2. One report will not cover more than one trip and must be submitted no later than 10 days after return date.
a. This report must be signed by the traveler, the appropriate College Officer, and the person responsible for the budget being charged. These signatures certify accuracy and legitimacy of all claims on the report and indicate that the traveler is in total compliance with this regulation.
b. Supporting itemized receipts must be attached to the report for all items of expense where required by this regulation. Failure to supply receipts will result in the denial of reimbursement.
E. Transportation
1. Employees will only be reimbursed at the most economical rate of transportation when traveling to or from the airport or train station.
a. If travel is to be by public carrier, the traveler should make the necessary reservations or submit a purchase requisition to the Purchasing Department.
b. The expense of traveling by public carrier (rail, bus, airplane or boat) is allowed on the basis of actual cost. All travelers are expected to travel the most economical mode of transportation where practical. If air transportation is required, the traveler is expected to use coach or tourist fares unless such accommodations are not available.
2. Personal Automobile
a. If the traveler intends to travel by personal automobile, the allowance for use of the automobile will be computed at the mileage allowance rate as indicated by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.
b. Mileage claimed should be based on an Official Highway Map as issued by the Monmouth County Road Commission, the State of New Jersey Highway Department or a current source such as MapQuest.
c. All travel must be by a usually traveled route from the employee’s official station or point of departure, whichever is less. If a person travels by an indirect route for his/her own convenience, any extra cost incurred will not be reimbursed.
d. The rate to be reimbursed for use of personal automobile should not exceed the cost of a public carrier.
e. Upon arrival, additional mileage accumulated at the point of destination for work specific purposes (driving from the hotel to the conference, etc.) may be reimbursed as necessary.
3. College Owned Vehicles
a. When available, College owned vehicles will be used for in-state travel and official College business.
b. On occasion, College vehicles may be assigned to employees. Employees must be registered with the College Risk Manager as Authorized Drivers.
c. While using College vehicles for personal use, mileage will be assigned a value at year-end and added to the employee’s W-2 as a fringe benefit and be taxed accordingly. The employee is also required to maintain a log of all personal use mileage, as per IRS regulations.
F. Lodging
1. Lodging will only be provided when the travel mileage exceeds 60 miles one way, or the function begins prior to 8 a.m. or ends after 7 p.m.
2. The traveler should make the necessary reservations or submit a purchase requisition to the Purchasing Department.
3. The supporting lodging expenses must accompany the Travel Expense Report. Only the itemized bill will be considered a valid receipt for lodging.
4. When a traveler shares lodging with a non-college traveler (spouse, family members, friends, etc.) and one receipt is provided, the traveler should have the receipt certified by the hotel as to the rate of single occupancy. If no certification is indicated, the allowable expense will be computed by dividing the numbers of persons into the total daily rate as indicated on the bill.
G. Meals and Incidental Expenses
1. If meals are included in conference fees for overnight travel, no reimbursement will be made for alternate meals.
2. All other meals and incidental expenses will be reimbursed on a per diem basis as per the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Per Diem schedule. Incidental reimbursement is for tip expenses for taxis and shuttles, porters, baggage carriers, bellhops or hotel maids. Per diem meal and incidental allowance rates can be obtained by accessing the following link: www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287
3. Receipts are not required for meal or incidental reimbursement.
4. Meals are not reimbursable for one day conferences unless the meal is part of the registration fee.
H. Miscellaneous Expenses
Certain miscellaneous expenses incidental to official College business will be allowed as follows:
1. Car Service, Taxicabs, and Automobile Rentals
The lowest cost method of transportation must be used. In most cases, the traveler will be expected to use car services, shuttles and taxicabs for local transportation at the point of his destination. In rare cases, a rental automobile may be authorized in advance by the appropriate College Officer authorizing the travel. Itemized receipts are required to support payment for rental vehicles, car service and taxicab expenses.
2. Telephone, Facsimiles Copier Charges and Internet Fees
Charges are allowed for necessary and/or official College business. The most economical rate available for a telephone call should be used. All hotel bills must have an individual breakdown of all calls and associated costs. Necessary expenses that are job related, such as internet fees, copying costs, faxes or costs of related materials, are reimbursable with receipts.
3. Parking Fees, Toll Roads, and Toll Bridges
Expenses will be allowed for parking, toll roads and toll bridges when the traveler is using an automobile for transportation. Receipts must support such expenses, or reimbursement will be denied. Only receipts for the most economical method are allowable.
4. Registration Fees
Enrollment or registration fees for conventions and meetings of associations or organizations are to be processed through the Purchasing Department.
I. Monthly Expense and Daily Travel
1. All one-day travel on official College business, where the staff member uses his own automobile, must be reported on the appropriate Monthly Expense and Daily Travel Report. This report must be approved by the appropriate College Officer and submitted to the Accounts Payable Department no later than 10 days following the end of each calendar month.
2. Reimbursement will be made on a regularly scheduled basis in accordance with the monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees. The College reserves the right to refuse payment to any individual who does not comply with the guideline of this regulation.
3. Mileage claimed should be based on the Official Highway Map as issued by the Monmouth County Road Commission, the State of New Jersey Highway Department or a current MapQuest print out.
4. If the traveler intends to travel by personal automobile, the allowance for use of the automobile will be computed at the mileage allowance rate as indicated by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.
5. Reimbursement for parking charges is allowable as are toll roads and toll bridges. Receipts must be attached to receive reimbursement.
6. The College will not reimburse employees for any parking or traffic violations.
7. It is expected that College travelers on official College business, driving personally owned automobiles, are properly licensed by the State of New Jersey and are adequately protected by personal liability and property damage insurance at their own expense.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Vice President for Business and Finance
Approved: President
Revised: 6/11/04
Effective: 6/11/04
Updated: 2/09, 10/11