Disclaimer: The content on these webpages appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at https://www.brookdalecc.edu/about/public-records

3.0004R Conducting Background Checks Regulation

3.0005R Medical Examinations

3.0008R Employee Registration in Non-Credit Classes

3.0011R Membership on Professional Standards Committee

3.6001R Release of Employee Information

3.6002R Garnishment of Salary

3.6003R Approval and Use of Overtime

3.6007R Separation Reports

3.9002R Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

3.9003R Compliance with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE Act)
             and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA)

3.9006R Drug Free Workplace

3.9007R Staffing of Faculty Positions

3.9008R Code of Ethics for Employees

3.9009R Progressive Discipline

3.9010R Staffing of Administrative and Staff Positions

3.9011R Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Regulation

3.9012R Infectious Disease Regulation

3.9013R Face Mask Regulation

3.9014R Honoring Deceased Employees of the College

3.9015R Request for Position Reclassification