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I. Title of Policy
Procedural Rules for Hearings
II. Objective of Policy
To establish rules for hearings before the Board of Trustees.
III. Authority
Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994, Section 6(f); Board Bylaws:1.5060, Meetings in General, and 1.5140, Appearances and Hearings Before the Board
IV. Policy Statement
The Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994; NJSA 18A:3B-6(f) grants to each public institution of higher education final authority to determine controversies and disputes concerning tenure, personnel matters, and other issues arising under title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes. To implement this authority, rules for conduct of such hearings have been established and conform to the “Administrative Procedures Act,” P.L. 1968, c. 410 (c.52:14B-1 et seq.); applicable sections of the collective bargaining agreements, and/or employee handbook for non-represented employees, and Board Policy 6.3000, Student Conduct.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Board of Trustees
Approved: Board of Trustees 6/29/95
Revised: Board of Trustees
Lodged: 2/2014
Approved: 3/2014
Revised: 4/2014
Lodged 4/23/2014
Approved: 5/22/2014