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5.0007R Establishment, Evaluation and Discontinuance of Courses & Programs
5.0010R Rights and Responsibilities
5.0011R Acquisition and Circulation of Audio Visual Equipment
5.0018R College Mass Media: The Current and Collage
5.0020R Student Progress in Career Studies Portions of Academic Programs
5.0021R Substitution for Required Courses
5.0022R Student Grade Submissions
5.0023R Course and Program Listings in Catalog and Master Schedule
5.0029R Testing and Placement for Foundational Studies
5.0031R Special Project Courses
5.0032R Recognition of Student Achievement
5.0033R Interdisciplinary Courses
5.0036R Institutional Review Board
5.0037R Acquisition and Loaning of Sewing Machines
5.0038R Acquisition and Loaning of Drafting Desks to Interior Design Students
5.0039R Acquisition and Loaning of Laptop Computers to CTE and Health Science Students
5.0040R Loaning of Laptop Computers to Students
5.0041R Acquisition and Loaning of Computers to Literacy Program Students