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I. Title of Regulation

3.0011R Membership on the Professional Standards Committee

II. Objective of Regulation

To establish membership criteria for the Professional Standards Committee to review applications for sabbatical leave.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

IV. Regulation Statement

The Professional Standards Committee membership shall consist of seven members who will be appointed by the President. In addition, the Vice President, Academic Affairs will serve as the chairperson of the committee.

Each member will be appointed for a two-year term, with three/four members completing their term each year. Appointees will be limited to two consecutive terms and appointments will be made before May 15.

Members of the committee will be chosen from the Faculty and Administration (both represented and non-represented) who have a variety of experience and knowledge in subject matter and background.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Vice President, Academic Affairs

Approved: President 4/1970
Revised: 2/1998, 5/1998
Approved: President, 10/30/2020