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I. Title of Regulation

Admission of International Students (Non-Immigrants)

II. Objective of Regulation

To provide a process that determines a student’s financial status in terms of his ability to maintain himself in the United States and the academic and linguistic ability he possesses for the pursuance of college-level courses.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Policy No. 6.1000 and 6.5000

IV. Regulation Statement

A. Admissions Criteria

To gain admittance to Brookdale Community College, international students should demonstrate the attainment of an educational level equivalent to the completion of the twelfth year of United States high school education.

Applicants must submit the following documents to the Admissions Office:

1. A transcript from all prior education experiences.
2. An Affidavit of Support
3. A certificate of sponsorship
4. An acceptable score on TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – minimum 450

B. Admissions Process

1. Upon receipt of the required documents the Registrar or a designee will determine if the applicant has satisfied the Admissions criteria.

C. Registration Process

1. International students must (a) take the Michigan Test of English as a Second Language, and (b) meet with a member of the Modern Language Team prior to registration. Determination is made at that time if the student needs to take ESL courses or if the student should sit for the Placement Test.

2. A student Development Specialist will be assigned for each international student. With the results of the placement tests, a program plan is designed and registration accomplished.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President 6/2/71
Effective: 6/2/71
Revised: 2/24/76
Revised: Fall 1997
Approved: 12/23/97