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I. Title of Policy

Academic Freedom and Responsibility

II. Objective of Policy

To provide academic freedom guidelines for faculty and staff.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Bylaws; N.J. Admin. Code 9A:1-1.8.

IV. Policy Statement

Academic Freedom is essential to the search for truth and to the free exercise of the right of expression by all members of the academic community. The College encourages a free exchange of ideas and opinions representing a broad spectrum of positions and points of view.

Academic Freedom ensures that the rights and beliefs of others are respected.  For faculty and staff, Academic Freedom provides:


  1. Freedom to determine the content and methodology of instruction and student evaluation process consistent with course, program and institutional learning outcomes congruent with the course and program descriptions;
  2. Freedom in the classroom to discuss controversial issues relating to their discipline, with an obligation to remember the extent of their influence on the opinions and values of the students;
  3. Retention of all rights as a citizen to free speech and publication. Such rights are not subject to institutional censorship or discipline;
  4. Freedom in research and publication where these activities do not interfere with the adequate performance of academic duties.


In accepting the right and obligation of Academic Freedom, faculty and staff acknowledge the sensitivity to the impact which the teacher/staff image exerts responsibilities upon the public judgment of the profession and the College and will be held responsible:


  1. To present material with clarity, fairness and
  2. To avoid introducing controversial issues that are not relevant to instruction.
  3. To handle relevant controversial issues with respect for the expression of differing points of view.
  4. To distinguish between facts, and
  5. To avoid presenting personal philosophy as
  6. To be accurate at all times as they represent the learning of their disciplines and always show respect for the opinions of others.
  7. To clearly impart to all that a faculty member is neither an official nor institutional spokesman for the College.

V. Responsibility for Implementation


Approved: May 1970
Revised: Jan 2002 and Feb 2016
Lodged:  Feb 2016
Approved: March 2016
Approved: Board of Trustees, 2/28/2023


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