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I. Title of Regulation

Contact with College Legal Counsels

II. Objective of Regulation

To provide a system for securing formal legal opinions regarding College matters from College Legal Counsels.

III. Authority

NJS 18A:64A-1 et seq. Board of Trustee Bylaws: 1.2050, Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees

IV. Regulation Statement

College personnel and members of the Board of Trustees should not contact outside counsel concerning College business without prior consultation with the President or Chair of the Board of Trustees. Similarly, all communications from outside attorneys should be referred to the President’s Office.

Individuals or departments requesting a legal opinion from College Counsel must have priorapproval from the College President and/or Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. All inquiries to College Counsel must originate from the Office of the President, or a designee appointed by the President or Board of Trustees.

Exceptions are student related subpoenas served on the College which are handled through the Registrar’s Office; personnel matters handled through the Human Resources Office; contacts by the Custodian of Records, and College officers working with College Counsel on specific projects or cases authorized by the President and/or Board of Trustees.

Status of legal matters will be reported to the Board of Trustees at their monthly meetings.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Board of Trustees

Approved: August 2011
Revised: February 2014 (added language “and members of the Board of Trustees”)
Approved: February 19,  2014