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I. Title of Regulation

In-County Tuition Rate for Foreign Students

II. Objective of Regulation

To regulate the use of in-county tuition rates by foreign students.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Policy No. 6.5000

IV. Regulation Statement

The following criteria are adhered to in the implementation of that portion of the Board Policy which grants residence tuition status for foreign nationals.

A. In order to be considered for participation under this program, the student must possess a student visa and must satisfy all requirements of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.

B. To qualify for in-county tuition rate, a student must be a regular (matriculated) full-time student.

C. Enrollment and replacement will be for a contract period on a first-come, first-served basis.

D. Students are required to complete their program contract within four to six long terms and intervening short terms from initial enrollment. The length of the contract is dependent upon the English ability of the student. This is based upon the recommendation of the student development specialist working with International Students, made at the student’s initial enrollment. The Dean of Student Development makes a written determination of the number of terms, and this is filed in the student’s file in the Office of Registration and Records.

Students who fail to complete their program during this time may continue their enrollment at the College at the out-of-state tuition rate and subject to the regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President 12/8/76
Revised: 9/20/79
Effective: 9/1/79