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I. Title of Policy

Tuition and Fees

II. Objective of Policy

To set a tuition and fee schedule and structure to ensure that revenue from tuition and fees is sufficient to achieve the budget set for the school year.

III. Authority

New Jersey Statutes 18A: 3B, 18A:64A-12; the Board of Trustees Bylaw 1.3054, and its own policies and regulations, including 2.0003, Policy Items Requiring Action by the President and 2.0004R, Action by the Board of Trustees.

IV. Policy Statement

A tuition and fee schedule shall be proposed by the President in furtherance of the annual budget process. The tuition schedule shall include separate rates for residents of Monmouth County, residents of other New Jersey counties, out-of-state residents, and students enrolled in special programs. The schedule will be developed to provide budgeted revenue not estimated to be met from state, county and other sources.

A schedule of tuition and fees shall be adopted by the Board of Trustees when it approves the College budget, and revised from time to time, when appropriate and necessary.

The President shall have the responsibility of informing students and the general public of all tuition and fees so adopted in a timely fashion.
Revisions to the schedule of tuition and fees may, under extraordinary circumstances be proposed by the President during the academic year. Such revisions must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Discounts can be applied to select groups as approved by the President and Board of Trustees.

The requirements for refunds of tuition and/or fees are outlined in the College’s regulations which are developed by the Administration and approved by the President. Such regulations shall ensure that the College retains funds adequate to cover its direct and indirect costs for services rendered.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Board of Trustees

Approved: Board of Trustees 5/24/1973
Revised: 10/24/1996
Addendum: January 15, 2004
Approved: 12/11/2003
Approved: Board of Trustees, 10/27/2020