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I. Title of Policy

Application and Acceptance of Grants

II. Objective of Policy

To establish the authority of Brookdale Community College Board of Trustees and the President to coordinate and administer the applications for grants and grant contracts in support of the College.

III. Authority

New Jersey State Statutes—County Colleges, 18A:64A­‐12K (General Powers of Boards); Uniform Guidance 2 CFR Part 200 subpart F; Section 319 of Public Law 101­‐121.

IV. Policy Statement

The purpose of all grant submissions and acceptances is to advance Brookdale’s strategic and emerging initiatives in support of the College’s Mission.

To ensure consistency and accountability in securing and managing grant funds, all grant applications and awards must be coordinated through Grants and Institutional Development in the Advancement Office.  No grant or grant contract application will be submitted to a funding source without the approval of the President. The purpose of the grant shall be consistent with the philosophical platform of the College and be aligned with current strategic goals and priorities.

Under no circumstance will the College apply for or accept a grant or grant contract from any donor who engages in practices or policies which discriminate against any  person on the basis of race, creed, color, nationality, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, civil union status, affectional or sexual orientation, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, disability, or other protected category or activity (i.e. opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in the complaint process).

The President shall submit a list of all grants he/she has authorized to the Board of Trustees for approval prior to submission to the funding source.  In the event a short timeline for submission is required, the President may approve the grant application with ratification of that action to take place at the next public meeting of the Board of Trustees.

All grants awarded to the College shall be recommended by the President to the Board of Trustees for approval authorizing the President to sign funding notification forms and any appropriate amendments.

Grants and grant contracts that have been appropriated to the College shall not be expended on behalf of the College to influence or attempt to influence any person, officer, or employee of any federal or state agency; a member, officer, or employee of Congress or the New Jersey Assembly or Senate; and/or an employee of a member of Congress or the New Jersey Assembly or Senate in connection with the making of any grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any grant or cooperative agreement.

V. Responsibility for Implementation



Approved: Board of Trustees, 3/23/70
Original title: Development and Acceptance of Gifts and Grants
Revised: 11/1/79
Approved: Board of Trustees, 11/19/2015
Approved: Board of Trustees 04/26/22

Original title: Development and Acceptance of Gifts and Grants: The original policy has been split into two separate policies: 2.0000­‐A Solicitation, Acceptance and Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations, and, 2.0000­‐B Application and Acceptance of Grants

See also:
Brookdale Community College Foundation Gifts Procedures
2.0000­‐A Solicitation, Acceptance and Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations Grant Application Checklist

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