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I. Title of Regulation
II. Objective of Regulation
To permit students to audit courses during any term according to the prescribed Regulation.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Policy No. 6.1000
IV. Regulation Statement
A. A student desiring to take a course without credit may choose to audit the course by paying full tuition and fees for the course and by indicating audit status for the course.
B. Students may change course status from “credit” to “audit” or “audit” to “credit” through the end of the Add/Drop period. No credit will be granted retroactively for any course listed as “audit” after the end of the Add/Drop period of the term of registration.
C. No grade will be awarded for an audited course. Audit courses will not appear on the student’s academic record.
D. Audit students are not required to meet course objectives.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President 7/2/71
Effective: 7/2/71
Revised: 9/1/75
Revised: 4/94
Effective: 4/94