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I. Title of Regulation

Supervision of College Communications

II. Objective of Regulation

To assure economy and optimum effectiveness in all official Brookdale communications.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(h)

IV. Regulation Statement

“Communications” is defined as any non-instructional material, in any medium, addressed to the general public, the education profession, Brookdale Community College staff or students. Such materials may include, for example, anything from a letterhead or business card to a brochure, a poster, a press release, an exhibit, a radio commercial or a slide presentation.

Content, format and distribution channels of all official College communications will be supervised by the Office of College Relations. Any staff member wishing to originate an official College communication will consult with the Office of College Relations at an early stage in the development of such communications, and prior to the commitment of any College resources to the project.

The Office of College Relations will solicit at least annually, prior to the beginning of each academic year, from all College offices, their anticipated needs for communications during the ensuing year. Based on the information thus obtained, the Office of College Relations will develop a comprehensive communications plan for the year, recognizing institutional priorities, available resources and most effective use of media. The plan will be submitted to the President for his/her approval, and upon approval will be implemented by the Office of College Relations.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Director of College Relations

Approved: President 10/11/72
Effective: 10/11/72
Revised: 9/1/75