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I. Title of Policy

Auxiliary Services

II. Objective of Policy

To establish guidelines for the classification and operation of Auxiliary Services.

III. Authority

New Jersey Statutes 18A:64A-12

IV. Policy Statement

Auxiliary Services are intended to provide facilities and activities to advance the educational and personal development of Brookdale Community College students and staff. Auxiliary Services are defined as those College operations which offer goods and services for sale at a price above the cost of the goods or services.

Auxiliary Services offered at Brookdale Community College shall, wherever possible, be used as laboratory experiences for Brookdale students as part of the instructional


It is the intention of the College that Auxiliary Services shall pay for all direct costs and a pro rata share of its indirect costs, and that the operation be self sufficient. Any excess revenue over expenditures will be retained in the Auxiliary Services fund.

Auxiliary Services shall be included in the annual audit prepared by the College’s independent auditor. The President shall be authorized to determine and incorporate into the annual budget request those auxiliary services which shall appropriately be offered by Brookdale Community College. The Auxiliary Services budget will be submitted for approval to the Board of Trustees annually.

V. Responsibility for Implementation


Approved: 4/26/73
Revised: 10/24/96