The 4.0000 series of college policies govern the business and finance activities of Brookdale Community College; please select a specific policy to view.

Disclaimer: The content on these webpages appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at

4.1000 Tuition and Fees

4.1001 ASBCC Fund

4.1002 Chargeback Eligibility

4.1004 Grants and Loans for Student Aid

4.1005 Grants Policy

4.1006 Standards for Auditing and Accounting

4.2000 Public Contracts

4.2002 Disposal, Sale, or Donation of College Personal Property

4.3000 Authorization and Payment of College Expenditures

4.3500 Budget Transfers

4.4000 Investments

4.5000 Construction Contracts

4.6000 Auxiliary Services

4.7000 Risk Management

4.7001 Red Flag Identity Theft Program

4.7002  Information Security Program

4.8000 Purchasing Policy