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I. Title of Policy

Student Produced College Media

II. Objective of Policy

To authorize the President to develop Brookdale Community College (“College”) Regulations governing the conditions under which student produced College media are published.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12d
Bylaws1.2050 and 1.3054

IV. Policy Statement

In accordance with the Vision, Mission and Values of the College, the College seeks to assist each student to become more broadly educated by providing opportunities for the free exchange of ideas and responsible information. The principles of freedom of expression, safety in the community, and a responsible press shall be the overriding guidelines for student-produced College media. This Policy shall apply to all channels of student produced College communications, including broadcasting, publishing, and the internet, and is not otherwise limited to social media.

A. Responsibilities of student journalists.

Students who work on official, College-sponsored student media determine the content and are responsible for that content.  Therefore, students should strive to:

  1. Produce media based on professional standards of accuracy, objectivity and fairness;
  2. Check and verify all facts and the accuracy of quotations and/or citations;
  3. In the case of editorials concerning controversial issues, determine the need for rebuttal comments and opinions and provide space or airtime, if appropriate; and
  4. Follow the Code of Ethic’s Regulation outlined in 5.0018R College Mass Media: The Current and Collage.

B. Unprotected expression.

This Policy does not authorize or protect College-sponsored media that:

  1. Is libelous or slanderous;
  2. Constitutes an unwarranted invasion of privacy;
  3. Is obscene;
  4. Violates federal or state law; or
  5. Incites individuals as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of an unlawful act or violation of a College Policy.

To facilitate this Policy the President shall develop College Regulations governing student produced College media.

V. Responsibility for Implementation


Related Policy: 2.9003 Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Related Regulation: 5.0018R College Mass Media: The Current and Collage


Approved: 5/24/73
Revised: 10/22/81
Revised: 7/12/01
Approved:  Board of Trustees, 10/29/2019
Approved:  Board of Trustees, 12/19/2023