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I. Title of Regulation
Program Advisory Committees
II. Objective of Regulation
To maintain a continuing relationship with the various sectors of the community in order to identify needs and to develop curriculum and programs to meet those needs.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Policy No. 7.0000
IV. Regulation Statement
Advisory Committees are not policy-making bodies; they are to serve in a recommending capacity to assist faculty and administrators in the development of meaningful, high quality, and up-to-date programs. They are to recommend program needs and determine how these can be efficiently met. They function as a communications channel between the College and individuals, organizations, and agencies interested in the specific program. Members serve for a two-year term without salary.
In accordance with the Policy of the Board of Trustees, the President will delegate to the appropriate administrator the authority to establish advisory committees as needed in the following areas:
A. Academic Programs
Because the design of the curriculum in Career Programs will be affected significantly by recommendations of Advisory Committees, it is most important that such committees function properly. To this end the following procedure will apply:
Career Services is responsible to administer the Advisory Committee process. These responsibilities are to be coordinated with the Academic Division Dean or designee and will include: communicating with committee members, ensuring that each committee has adequate membership, assisting in establishing meeting times and seeing that members are notified, and ensuring that minutes are kept and distributed.
Advisory committees for new programs should start meeting no later than January and prepare recommendations relating to the advisability of implementing the programs.
The Academic Division Dean or designee will be responsible to ensure that the Advisory Committees are active. Advisory Committees must meet at least once a year.
The Academic Division Dean or designee will chair the Advisory Committee. Membership from the College will include the Department Chairperson, selected faculty and staff and the Director of Career Services or designee. Minutes of the meetings, upon approval of the committee chairperson and the Academic Division Dean, will be sent to each member of the committee, the President, the Executive Vice President for Educational Services and the Academic Division Deans nd Department Chairpersons.
A biannual review of committee membership will be made by the Academic Division Deans and Department Chairpersons and the Director of Career Services at the end of the academic year. The Director of Career Services will send a list of committee members previously approved by the Academic Division Dean to the President for [his] appointment. Each Advisory Committee should include at least ten members from the community who currently are working in the career area.
Each June the Director of Career Services will submit to the Executive Vice President for Educational Services a written report of the Advisory Committees’ activities for the year just completed.
B. Other Programs
The appropriate administrator will establish advisory committees for all programs in his/her area of jurisdiction and administer the process.
The appropriate administrator will select advisory committee members and the President will appoint these members. Committees will include representatives of Brookdale’s staff working in the program areas as well as interested citizens with expertise in the field.
The appropriate administrator or designee will call meetings and act as committee chairperson.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President
Effective: 6/18/74
Revised: 12/8/76
Revised: 12/97
Updated: 3/09