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I. Title of Regulation

Experimental Courses

II. Objective of Regulation

To define those courses designated experimental courses and provide for their implementation.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Bylaws 1.3034(m)

IV. Regulation Statement

Limited special topic courses and those courses under evaluation for new course status through the new course approval process may be designated as experimental courses. Courses will be approved as experimental by the following process:

1. An Experimental Course Form with course outline attached will be submitted for approval to the Executive Vice President for Educational Services at the same time the Master Schedule information is submitted for the term in which the course will be offered. The course form will contain the approvals of the Department Chair and the Academic Division Dean.

2. The course code of the experimental course will contain the year and term in which the course is first being offered.

3. Experimental courses may be offered only twice. Continued offering is subject to approval by the Executive Vice President for Educational Services. Continued offering mandates the submission of the course as a new course per the new course approval process.

4. All approved experimental courses will be evaluated by the General Education Committee for preliminary General Education designation. This preliminary designation will be made to assist the program counseling process and will be non-binding should the course later be approved as a new course.

5. Course objectives for all experimental courses must be submitted to the Executive Vice President for Educational Services two weeks prior to the term in which the course is first being offered.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President 6/4/74
Effective: 6/4/74
Revised: 9/1/75
Revised: 3/31/82
Effective: 3/31/82
Revised: 4/94
Effective: 4/94
Updated: 2/09