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I. Title of Regulation

3.6001R Release of Employee Information

II. Objective of Regulation

To establish guidelines for the release of employee information consistent with legal requirements.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

IV. Regulation Statement

The following guidelines will be adhered to when employee information is requested.

A. Information relating to current job title, and current salary are a matter of public record and are annually reviewed and published in a Board Report. This information is not deemed confidential.
B. Non-public employee information will not be released to any individual, agency, or industry (banks, credit agencies, investigators, mortgage banks, etc.) without the written consent of the employee.
C. Employee address lists will not be released to anyone without the consent of the Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Safety.
D. Court orders and subpoenas will be processed by the Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Safety or the Executive Associate, Legal Services. Only information specifically requested will be released.
E. Internal College requests will be handled on a “need to know” basis, and employee information will be released only to a supervisor(s) of the employee.
F. Demographics or statistics for the College or any part of the College population will not be developed or released without the consent of the Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Safety.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Safety.
Approved: 10/1970
Revised: 5/1998
Revision Approved: President, 11/18/2018
Approved: President 10/30/2020

Related Regulation: 2.0025R Public Access to Government Records