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I. Title of Policy
3.9001 Multi-Year Contracts for Administrative Staff
II. Objective of Policy
To authorize the President to develop a College Regulation governing the conditions under which multi-year contracts may be considered.
III. Authority
N.J.S.A/ 18A:60-14
IV. Policy Statement
Administrative staff are exempt employees working in management positions. Administrative employees with more than five (5) academic years of service, as defined in 3.9001R may, at the discretion of the President, be recommended for multi-year contracts subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Recommendations for multi-year contracts shall be based on written performance evaluations, and shall take into account the College’s financial position and future personnel needs.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Approved: Board of Trustees, 11/20/1975
Revised: 8/23/1979
Revised: 2/26/1981
Revised: 6/27/1996
Lodged: 9/25/2018
Approved: Board of Trustees, 10/23/2018